Reviews for Moving On
bluee.ivyy chapter 119 . 5/28/2013
Aww I love this story, especially the interaction between Don and his daughter. Its a really good story line, amazingly written, I just hope it gets updated soon because I can't wait for the next chapter :)
MischievouslyManaged chapter 119 . 5/19/2013
what r u doing?
they broke up and i was just starting too think you were going too be nice xxx
if there is one
Guest chapter 119 . 11/23/2012
Keep going
gem-gem96 chapter 119 . 8/19/2012
WowWowWow! Just read your whole story through and through and its a-mazeballs! ! I can't get enough of it, you have to continue! ;P
Pretty please with a cherry on top? ;P

Much love, Gemma x
casa89 chapter 119 . 10/30/2011
Please keep going of this story
Runner043 chapter 119 . 8/24/2011
Well, Hannah is certainly starting off this chapter as a nice young lady.

Okay, before I even read any further, I've gotta say... I can see where Mark is at fault for letting Mr. Flack basically bully him into getting information out of Hannah. And I can see where Hannah is at fault for throwing him out of her house like she did.

These two have serious issues, and Mark is concerned about how it will look? Both of them need to grow up.
Runner043 chapter 118 . 8/21/2011
I told ya that Don made a mistake in not backing off and all but forcing Mark to get info from Hannah. And now he's paying for it.
pepperonychanny chapter 118 . 8/21/2011
very intense chapter I must say

and Mark drinking is not a good idea, no good can come out of this please oh please update soon
pepperonychanny chapter 117 . 8/19/2011
dang i sense tension once again and Mark and hannah were doing so well, hope things go back to being good... upset soon please :)
Runner043 chapter 117 . 8/19/2011
Gotta say, I didn't like that Flack wanted Mark to get information from Hannah, information she clearly did not want to give. She's an adult now, and her dad needs to respect that.

I must've blinked or something... "And here comes the train..."? What happened to newborn Flack? He's 6-8 months old and on lumpy baby food already?

Okay, so now Hannah & Mark are yelling at each other. See?... I told ya Flack should have butted out. And Mark should have let Hannah tell whoever she wanted to, when she was ready.
pepperonychanny chapter 116 . 8/18/2011
poor Hannah wat she went through really was tough on her now seeing her baby brother must be painful

and yes Jess its always good to get out of changing a diaperlol

interested in more
Runner043 chapter 116 . 8/18/2011
Oh, poor Hannah. I can certainly see how the arrival of baby Matthew would stir up these emotions for her.

A toy police car for Matthew, how cute is that?

And Flack taking weeks to figure out a real car... funny!

Your turn, Don!... Mommy takes care of 'food in' and Daddy takes care of 'food out'.
pepperonychanny chapter 115 . 8/16/2011
awwww I like it excited for more
Runner043 chapter 115 . 8/16/2011
SMILES! - Baby Flack is here! - how exciting. I hope Don got to cut the cord.
Runner043 chapter 114 . 8/15/2011
I have to pause in my reading to type ... Hannah is cracking me up! I realize she obviously does not know how long the whole labor and delivery process can take, but for her to call an ambulance in a state of panic ... well, I'm just easily amused I guess.

Tests? Without the daddy in the room?

Only 3 hours?... Jess is progressing fast.

Considering what Jess is going through,... he can just deal with his sore hand.

So?... Baby Flack arrives in the next chapter? Please!
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