Reviews for A Cruce Salus
Mauisse Flowers chapter 1 . 11/6/2012
OMG, I LOVED this! I actually, admittely, shed a few tears when I read about Prussia leading the first climb over the wall. That always makes me a little weak. And all the FEELS! Just... ugh! I don't think you realize just how dang AWESOME you captured everyone and all the emotions that were littered throughout it. Not to mention, I actually felt the need to cry when I thought you had Prussia die in this, at Russia's hand, of all things. *shivers* And I enjoyed how Japan really persisted in talking to Italy after that confrontation, it really tells you how much friendship means to Italy, and how he really deals with it. Your turn on everything was totally, enexplictly fantastic.

Just... just bravo.
Sir Gawain of Camelot chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
Canon hasn't addressed Cold War relations outside of Russia and America's pissing contest. Germany and Italy's relationship just has a huge gap between mid-WWII and modern era. xD Apparently, Himaruya is only interested in the parts of history where Germany and Italy get along. So your story isn't contradicting any canon.

I am curious about Italy's relationship with Russia. As far as I know, Italy and the Soviet Union weren't exactly in a warm fuzzy relationship, what with the NATO vs. the Warsaw Pact. Even the PCI tried to distance itself from the USSR. But I don't know a lot. What's the history behind that relationship?
AlTHR33 chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
I liked it~! I don't know why you're displeased with it, but to each his own.

Wow, Romano isn't really very clever, is he? Oh well, who cares. You still gotta love him, or at the very least I have to. And I do.

Yes, I really liked how you wrote their characters. You gave them more depth than most writers are willing to do. Heck, I myself am a fan of GerIta, and probably couldn't honestly say "Yeah, it's true that they hate each other after the war" so the fact that you could is a good show of your personality as a writer. it's like character death. if you make it good it shows that you can go against conventional story plots and endings. I dunno, I just find it commendable.

Aw, I love Prussia! He's just too awesome for his own good. "Finally learned how to use technology," Ha! That sounds somewhat like the blog. silly Gilbert. and he's so sweet, wanting West to have his best friend back. Ah, I'm too much of a fangirl...

Um, yup. I think that's all I can say. Great job! Ciao~!
Skippy the Hobolo chapter 1 . 3/19/2011

This is beautiful.

(*Belarus mode*)


You don't have to, but


Especially the USSR-Italy friendship!~~
XzDaFelixZ chapter 1 . 3/16/2011
whoa...this's atcually quite nice u know?

I like it!

too bad u just end it...-3-"
Alpaca-fiend chapter 1 . 3/16/2011
this is awesome!