Reviews for All She Knows
mandancie chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
oh wow! a very powerful one-shot. it sad that Luna is so broken down now, but I do hope soon that she will find the strength somewhere.
malfoyforever chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
Beautiful. Poor Harry, poor Luna. So dark - and definitely sick and twisted. But I like it - it's a grim reality in society, but it exists. Good job! :)
vampiressuck chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
It's so awful and out of canon!

But really, really good.

(I don't mean the writing is awful, just the subject matter. Your writing is really very excellent.)

You did well for something so macabre. D:
NANLIT chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
Too short. There's no either Luna leaving or Harry getting help to stop. There's no closure. Good concept though, just seems unfinished.
HerHeadsInTheSky chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
So over at the Hogwarts Online forums, you posted that you got a flame review for this story... but I have no idea why. This was awesome! Definitely sick and twisted, but that's because it's meant to be dark, and so you've done a fab job! Well done (:

And I agree with the other reviews - I like how it's unresolved; just a snapshot into her life. Brilliant.
ChimericalParoxysm chapter 1 . 3/30/2011
Oh goodness. The bit at the end just pulled it all together. Really well done.

My only criticism is that I might've liked to have Harry's motivations more clearly illustrated in that first paragraph. It's definitely implied, and I think we all know, that he's drinking because he spiraled into a depression after the war, but to have explored that a little more would have added to the credibility of the story.

I think I really like that you don't "resolve" it at the end. She's still exactly where she was at the beginning of the story and it really lends weight to her situation as a never-ending cycle that she can't break.

I also love that you show his sober reaction to the situation, rather than just focusing on Luna!
whatabeautifulmess chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
You most definately made that pairing darker, Priya. Haunting and yet beautiful at the same time. And is it a bit weird that I nearly laughed at the last line? It wan't funny, but it was just so very...Luna, and she hadn't BEEN Luna for so long, so it was nice to see a little spark of her tucked away there. Brilliant work, as per usual :)
madmike chapter 1 . 3/21/2011
That is the sickest thing I have ever read
ink-stained dreams chapter 1 . 3/16/2011
I think you did a great job of turning this pairing on it's head. :) It's emotional to see little Luna cowed by drunk!Harry, and the ending is just so fitting and poignant. Nicely done.
Shadowed93 chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
Very nice (: Definately very grim, haha.
Bittersweet x chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
This is so sad. :"( But amazingly written.