Reviews for Lost in Time
Guest chapter 35 . 7/4
Omg what did he take the night of the car wreck? Anyone know? Man I'm addicted to this story ...maybe one day it will be finished
Chaotic Destinies chapter 34 . 6/7
Ugh, can someone please stake Katherine already. -Rips out hair- That sucks for Damon. Here's hoping they get back safely.
Chaotic Destinies chapter 33 . 6/7
So sad that HD went back to her, but it's necessary for him to become the future self he is. Antagonizing Katherine hardly seemed smart, but it was funny.
Chaotic Destinies chapter 32 . 6/3
Ugh, what a mess. If only there was a way to make both versions of Damon happy. :(
Chaotic Destinies chapter 31 . 6/3
Ha, Damon meeting himself ought to be interesting. The scene right before and while he feeds on Elena is just too perfect. Great chapter and great job!
Chaotic Destinies chapter 30 . 6/3
This chapter made my Delena loving heart sing. Damon's insecurities and fears made me want to hug him. Elena did a good job of putting them to rest. Great chapter! Sad that I only have five more to go.
Chaotic Destinies chapter 29 . 6/2
Woot! Elena laid it all out there! Good job! Now let's just hope Damon can accept that someone loves him exactly as he is. Awesome job!
Chaotic Destinies chapter 28 . 6/2
Girl, I don't know how you didn't pick up on vamp Damon almost immediately. It was pretty obvious. Ugh, Stefan made me so mad. Great chapter!
Chaotic Destinies chapter 27 . 6/2
Darn you Damon! Man up and go get your girl. X3 And now for the next chapter!
Chaotic Destinies chapter 26 . 6/2
Ha, they finally found each other. Now let's see how long it takes them to sort things out. Damon, if only you had stayed for the whole memory.
Chaotic Destinies chapter 25 . 6/2
Darn those mixed signals! Torturing Damon is simultaneously humorous and horrible. Onto the next one!
Chaotic Destinies chapter 24 . 6/2
Aw, poor Damon! It's easy to feel bad for him, even knowing that he will eventually get everything he's dreaming of.
Chaotic Destinies chapter 23 . 6/2
Yay vamp Damon! Just wait until you see what those memories have in store for you!
Chaotic Destinies chapter 22 . 6/2
They're so sweet. I can't wait to see what vamp Damon thinks of his new memories with Elena!
Chaotic Destinies chapter 21 . 6/2
Thank you Honoria! And as much as I've been enjoying human Damon, I'm happy to see vampire Damon back! It's been a while. :)
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