Reviews for Possession
Guest chapter 11 . 7/14/2019
I hate Leah/Embry pairing stories. Since that is where this is heading, I am done reading it. Good thing too as you haven't updated in years.
Guest chapter 18 . 4/7/2017
I hope you come back to update soon! Great story!
Guest chapter 18 . 9/26/2013
I'm loving this! Wants to see more of Embry and Leah; they are perfect for each other!
Please update more!
LadyofSpain chapter 18 . 2/28/2013
None of them make him feel like Leah does. My heart! How can she resist him?
LadyofSpain chapter 17 . 2/28/2013
Loved the conversation with Leah and Charlie.
LadyofSpain chapter 16 . 2/28/2013
Poor Embry, seeing Leah get hurt, and poor Collin, trying to fit in with the pack.
LadyofSpain chapter 15 . 2/28/2013
How could they waste all this time? Ugh!
LadyofSpain chapter 14 . 2/28/2013
Embry-what a doll! Goo get him, Leah! I mean it!
LadyofSpain chapter 13 . 2/28/2013
Oh Leah-go get Embry. You'll feel better, and get rid of all the awkwardnesss.
LadyofSpain chapter 12 . 2/27/2013
Seth is all grown up and off to college, sniff...
LadyofSpain chapter 11 . 2/27/2013
Oh poor Embry. He always got the short end of the stick.
LadyofSpain chapter 10 . 2/27/2013
Okay, so where are my wings? Loved all this probing from the little chatterbox. The ankle business was interesting.
LadyofSpain chapter 9 . 2/27/2013
Yes, he needs to tell her, and fast!
LadyofSpain chapter 8 . 2/22/2013
Native Americans are so talented in the arts. I went to a twi convention, and saw Alex Meraz's paintings. Just gorgeous!
So glad Leah stepped in and helped her buddy out. Of all the wolves, I just wanna hug Embry.
LadyofSpain chapter 7 . 2/22/2013
It would be hard to see someone you've been close to move away and never come back. That was heartbreaking.
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