Reviews for Koorime: A Past and Present
Hn chapter 1 . 4/20/2014
Well... I'm just a reader, but... don't you have a bit plagiarizated an other fanfic?
( It was my first thought by reading your text. )

Title : One in a Hundred
Author : half-a-recess
Link : s/5786517/1/One-in-a-Hundred

Your fanfics look reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally alike...
So, I guess you knew this fanfic before writing yours?
I don't think I would believe you if you said I made a mistake.
Two fanfics can look alike, sure... but THESE two look a bit TOO alike for a coicidence : they are the same. The SA-ME ! It's just yours is ( a lot of ) smaller...
( And we could'nt say you have just been inspired by the other fanfic : at this level, it's no more simple inspiration. )

I say it again : I'm just a reader.
A reader who don't like seeing people being plagiarizated / stolen.

Do I made a mistake? I am persuaded I'm not.
It was my first thought by reading your fanfic, after all...

It's a shame...
I'm disappointed.

And sorry if my English is bad : I am not English.
shortybubbles27 chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
Aw, poor Hiei...this story really shows the emotion that he keeps hidden in the actual show which I, of course, love. I like that Kuwabara finally understands his turmoil. This story is very well written! The details were amazing and I thought all four were very much in character. I really loved it! Keep up the good work!
Just 2 Dream of You chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
They killed another one...-cries- It was...beautiful...though...
Drkvixn chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
*cries* That was beautiful. Short but well written. Well done.