Reviews for Wonderland Band
Echo DeMon chapter 2 . 7/31/2014
Circus! Yeah!
NiceGirlMusician chapter 2 . 8/9/2012
Oooh! I LOVE THIS. You down right nailed the personalities and the idea is amazing! Ahaha Ace has absolutely no sense of direction and Peter is still a perv. Dee and Dum are percussionists I'm guessing? (jeez, percussionists and their mallets... Always hitting people with them e.e) I like the instrument choices xD Any double reed instruments coming up anytime soon? ;D hehe. Ooh the circus! I like it. There's this song called Pink Lemonade and it's a circus themed song. It's a pretty simple song though thats mainly played by Middle schools but its a pretty up beat song x) (ohhh the memories of playing that song...) UPDATE SOON! I LOVE IT.
AbboTheLibrarian chapter 2 . 7/29/2012
This story makes me smile! I'm a freshman and in marching band on flute with my twin sister on baritone so this just really makes me laugh. I adore it! :D
tigercat chapter 2 . 7/10/2012
I love how Ace gets lost in school, that would so be me in high school and also I know it's to late but plz continue making this if you don't they I understand but if you do then could you plz make gray,nightmare or the jokers a trumpet player?
tigercat chapter 2 . 7/10/2012
I know it might be a bit late but,plz continue making this if you don't than I understand but if you do then could p;z either make gray or nightmare or even the jokers a trumpet player
Dia-Chii chapter 2 . 8/5/2011
Hello there... This must be pretty late for reviews, but... Here you go.

I really liked the set up, and you basically kept everyone in-character. Ey... I have no idea what this is being crossed with... So~ I enjoyed it though!

DarkRainbow314 chapter 2 . 7/2/2011
you must update. you must update. you must update.

ok. it's official. I love your story. I didn't find any grammatical errors either. BUT YOU MUST INTRODUCE NIGHTMARE AND GRAY! other then that I LUV your story!

you must update. you must update. you must update. ADDING TO FAVORITES
xxJuBoxx chapter 2 . 5/26/2011
Wow. Way to fail, Ace. XD As for Squiggles, I found this amazing. *hi-fives Vivaldi* I am proud to be first-chair flute, especially if I get to share with Vivaldi! XD
wonderfulwonderwolf chapter 2 . 5/16/2011
wow squiggles this has to be one of the more enlightening chaps because you got more in depth about what they play and how they interact with each other and the circus! oh my god i would be laughing myself to death if white and black were there to help things get going!
ExAxL chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
holy crap! you HAVE TO FINISH THIS! You must be in band since you amde this story! I love being in band, you must show what the other roleholders play! it's awesome!
pasty face chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
Julius was a bit out of character but other than him everyone else was in character. Hope to see more!
wonderfulwonderwolf chapter 1 . 3/9/2011
hello can you guess who i want her to meet... that's right the jokers! sorry i had pie... loves it, can't wait till next t ime in the band room!
AceHearts chapter 1 . 3/9/2011
You should for sure have her meet the wonderful baritone known as Ace...and Boris and someone should get into a fight and she goes over to stop it...but over all i really did like this and i want you to keep going on!