Reviews for Snow VS Lightning
Rukia Siry chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
I love your characterization of Lightning and always thought that Snow and Fang were the best brOTP :P Nice job!
multishep chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
D, this was great! You should have shared this with me earlier :( I love your sense of humour xD You should try for a longer fic, I'd love to read it! Now onto the next one :)
PEANUT v1.2 chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
I read this a long time ago but the site wouldn't let me review it for some reason. Dx So here I am now as I randomly remember it! I thought it was hilarious xD Everyone was in character, and I especially enjoyed Lightning reflecting on Snow's perspective as soon as he spoke up. Questioning his sanity was very Lightning-like. xD Nice job!
TheDevilsLotus chapter 1 . 1/16/2012
Hey I didn't know you were on FF too :D

Okay I was bawling with laughter the moment Snow said "Go screw yourself" because of the skit. The ending was a bit of a twist with Lightning knocking Fang out (though she deserved it!), but I like how it ended with Lightning's response to them.

For it being your first attempt at humor, I think you did a great job. You kept the characters, well in-character, and I wouldn't doubt that this scenario could've played out in the games. I really like the language in this story, and the flow of it too. Overall a very great fic!
AstoniaCrest chapter 1 . 9/23/2011
LOL~ totally hilarious XD I watched the videos several times and I burst out laughing every single time I watch it XD great job here! you totally catch the humor and the fun in the whole fanfic, continue writing more hilarious fanfics! D Lightning's awesome, Fang's funny and Snow's still "LOL".. XD
notantihero chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
Never watched that vid, but just gotta say this line,

Lightning's fist connected with Fang—

—and Fang dutifully connected with the ground.

got me in stitches for some reason. Bravo.
Sinnclaire chapter 1 . 6/23/2011
LOL! Absolutely loved that, XD.

I feel sorry for Light for having to deal with not only Behemoths, but Snow. XD ...and Fang. But I love Fang. lol.

Plusss I've watched that clip of Troy Baker and Ali Hillis! They are absolutely hilarious and awesome. XD I loved that (in your fic.) and the one where Snow repeateadly says, "Steelguard!" LOLOL. I wish there was one where the whole L'cie gang joined in. *sigh*

But anyway, the main topic of the review is the fic.

I didn't really find anything wrong~ and it was funny. 3

Keep it up. ;D
MaxSalvo21 chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
I had actually watched the clip with Ali and Troy before i read this. LMAO this was great! :)
fixedmachine chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
Gets funnier every time I read it. Hahaha. Especially loved Snow's "Fang, I don't think that was supposed to happen".

Wish there were more clips of the VAs for us to enjoy. But anyway, great job!
1111010101010101010delete10100 chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
lolz awesome! lightning as a smartass nothing better!
Kairi Ratten chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
Gosh, that was hilarious!
BlazeFireSaber chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
lol, i saw the vid some time ago and bursted out laughing! you have managed to capture that humour perfectly in the fic!
Zerrat chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
LOL I've seen this panel and I loved watching every second of it. Ali Hillis and Troy Baker are hilarious together, so this was always gonna be a success in my eyes! :3

Those panels always give me some interesting ideas.

Either way, nice translation of the panel into the game's canon, I loved the pacing and the characterization. And I also have a soft spot for Fang vs. Snow in 'Whose the Better Sentinel' arguments.

Tear of Light chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
Rofl! This was an awesome first attempt at humor! Well done! I know exactly which video you're talking about, and you're written it in here very well!

Keep up the great writing! :)