Reviews for Light The Fire
NancyDrew123 chapter 2 . 12/8/2017
What was the RED spy's plan and what was going through his mind as he found out about the Red pyro's secret. (Told from spy's P.V.O.)
Ed 18 chapter 14 . 9/29/2014
awwww ! how cute !XD I hope you continue this !
Royalraven007 chapter 14 . 6/14/2013
This is a really interesting story. I hope you plan on finishing it soon :) I hate when authors just leave their work unfinished and your story is too good to leave without an ending. Please update soon :)
evildead96 chapter 14 . 1/23/2013
CONTINUE THIS! I love a good Spy story!
Sydney chapter 14 . 4/1/2012
Looking forward to more, if you're still writing! :3
Sirquicker chapter 14 . 1/29/2012
This story is AWESOME! I can't wait for new chapters; you have one of the best writing styles in storytelling I've ever read. The character personalities are clear, the problem is clear, and the descriptions are concise with a bit of humor. Good job, keep up the good work!
Maandyy-chan chapter 14 . 10/23/2011
Ohohoho~ I really love this story, this chapter was an interesting development for Lucia and the Spy. Can't wait for more :D

Please regard me kindly~! *bows*

KrazyLadyKat chapter 12 . 10/6/2011
lets hope the the enemy spy don' do nothing rash if he dont leave pyro alone.
Maandyy-chan chapter 12 . 10/5/2011
YAAAAAAAY. Update :D Their drunkenness makes me giggle X3

BAH BLU SPY D: GO AWAY~~! Leave Pyro and Spy alone :(

That was great :O I can't wait for more! There's so much drama just waiting to be unleashed from this story. Keep it up :D

Please regard me kindly~! *bows*


P.S.: Sorry about that last review: you know the one. XD
Maandyy-chan chapter 10 . 9/28/2011
* WARNING: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THIS FANFICTION *[this is for /Element-Crystal's/ eyes only! The ideas contained may or may not be implemented depending on what the author thinks of the ideas. I just don't want you guys to read it and get something spoiled for you, because then that would be sad :(]

I read your profile after I had made my review for chapter 10, and it seems you don't have PMs enabled, so the only way to get to speak to you is through reviewing. XD I would just like to help get your juices flowing, maybe helping you blast through writer's block? I was hoping to PM this to you because I didn't want this all out in the open for anyone to read, and it might spoil something if you decide you might want to use some of the ideas I've got here.


Obviously, the Spy is back on the RED team, knowing how much he likes Lucia (and knowing how much he's trying to deny it). The BLU team is going to want some sort of revenge/penance/whatever against him, right? And plus, what is the big plan that the BLUs have about breaking the system, anyway? Should you have RED Spy tell the team what they are planning, or will he keep quiet?

OH OH WAIT BRILLIANT ATTACK. The BLU team blackmails the Spy with some knowledge they found out about Lucia, so then the Spy won't tell the RED team what the BLUs are doing? No wait... that sounds dumb. Or does it? I dunno. What do you think? Maybe something similar to that idea but with a different twist... like the Spy that the replacement (he was BLU wasn't he?) now knows Pyro's a girl and uses the knowledge to destroy the seeming peace presiding over Spy and Pyro's relationship? Yeah, yeah, the next chapter could start out all nice and everyone's happy but then WAM BAM disaster strikes from the BLU team!

... lol you can tell how much I love to write and make ideas, even though I've never written a TF2 fanfiction P: You don't have to take any of my ideas if you don't want to, OBVIOUSLY. I just wanted to see if it would get you thinking about it and maybe inspire you? Some of my reviewers inspire me to write in a similar kind of way (well ok maybe not this extensively but... you know! lol)

Please regard me kindly~! *bows*

Maandyy-chan chapter 11 . 9/28/2011
I truly, sincerely, EXTREMELY love this fanfiction. I would love it if you updated soon... I know it has been four months since you last updated but this is good! I haven't seen any other Fem!Pyro fics like this one, and I'd really like to see it through to the end! :D I love how you give personality to both teams, and give each teammate names (although that messed me up for a while, I had to keep going back to remember which class had which name). I especially like the contrast between the BLU and RED teams, as well as the similarities!

I also love how you made the romance not seem blatantly obvious (even though the genre IS Romance/Humor and the two characters are Pyro & Spy, but I mean in the actual reading of the story itself), and not make them fall in love with each other outright like some people tend to do with fanfiction.

I am proud to be your longest reviewer on this fanfiction :3 Everything I say is meant to either be constructive criticism or praise, and I hope this inspires you to write more! It's the least I can do after you wrote this fanfiction for all of us to enjoy.

Please regard me kindly~! *bows*

WarpedInsanity chapter 11 . 8/14/2011
Awwww, I knew the Pyro was a girl! Anyways, it is such a sweet and good story. I love the pyro's name. Hope you keep on writing XD
whotherenow chapter 11 . 6/17/2011

devonair320 chapter 11 . 5/5/2011
oooh! I love Pyro/Spy cuteness :3 and what a mysterious ending! MOAR!
Bearybeary chapter 11 . 5/3/2011
Good story, can't wait for the next chapter.
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