Reviews for Shot Power
Lizz94 chapter 3 . 4/1/2017
Even though you said your story "sucks", I LIKE IT! I like the plot and how you write about the characters. A re-write with some more fighting and chapters would also be awesome. I look forward to your stories, including your side-stories in the notes ;) by the way, using your note for a fact about decibels was a good idea!
Lizz94 chapter 2 . 4/1/2017
As for the second chapter, I was holding my breath in the end. I want to read! But first, I noticed some typing mistakes, for exampley "they" instead of "the", and something wasn't't right in the part where you tell about the pairings. Something Trunks didn't want, where no -ing-, was needed. A bit vague, sorry. I just want to read the next chapter already!
Lizz94 chapter 1 . 4/1/2017
Chapter 1 is awesome! I could not stop with reading, I like how you write. Now, I believe there is a mistake in the grammar where that man said "...wear he is..." I believe you mean "...where he is...". Furthermore, you suddenly changed to bold letters, why? A mistake or your intention? Let me see where the following chapter will go ...
A human chapter 3 . 4/12/2016
After notes!
Trutenxforever chapter 3 . 3/10/2011
Oh my god! I LOVED IT! O.O

It was so great and good and so the bestest story I ever read! And I still can't think of the right words to praise this story! A great story! Keep up the good work!
Goten'sSon chapter 3 . 3/4/2011
this story didn't suck , i loved it! it was sweet sad and very original! and i just love Goten!

i know Gohan's been kidnapped like a million times in the series, but no villain would ever dare take Goten hostage...because this is exactly what would happen! XD
DevilsNvrCry chapter 1 . 2/25/2011
I read this and I looked back regretting that I didn't get a chance to review. Woooo I was quite sad that this story was only two chapters long...I loved this story and I felt really bad for Goten, I gotta love the kid, doesn't even know what torture is lmfao...I hope Trunks or Goku save him quickly...or maybe can kick some major booty lol...But non-the-less thanks for the update!