Reviews for A Love Like Romeo and Juliet
HeadlessSanity chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
I cried reading this
Rima Mashiro fujisaki chapter 1 . 12/19/2011
Are you an emo? All the Rimahiko stories you write are angst(?) stories!
Chocolate covered charas chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
XD again CUTE! I like yor Rimahiko storys there're good!
Cross your Heart for me chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
OMG its a story of forbidden love gracing star-crossed lovers as the die in each others arms together forever as their love and dreams dance for eternity! so tragic and yet so beautiful!
Lizzie Beans chapter 1 . 3/3/2011

*crying her eyes out*

That was so sad.

That was sooo sad and touching and beautiful.

I swear, I felt my heart drop to China somewhere in the middle of the story.

In a good way, though. If that makes any sense.

It was really just a beautiful story.

Definitely understood this better than Romeo and Juliet. XD

- Lizzie :)

(OH, P.S., watch out for spelling mistakes. :D)
Miyuka Kokoro chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
Oh my Popsicle sticks...

This was just amazing. This story was beautifully written and I have major respect for you as a writer.

Great Job.

the evil it chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
alright you just took first place in one of my favorite one-shot score thing-y.

yea for good fic.

muzikchic4eva chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
this is a really good story! i know this is a one-shot, but wouldn't it be cool if this was just a prologue and then nagi and rima are reborn as humans without their memories and they meet again? and the romeo and juliet theme is still there after they are reborn. that would be awesome!

but it's your story and it's not my place to make suggestions so i shall just favorite this oneshot~~

thank you for the awesome oneshot i got to read!
Rikanchu chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
... That was romantic. *sniffs*

Don't ask me why I'm sniffing. Maybe I was going to die happy. XD

It's like every new story we beg to read just came true. I thank the Rimahiko heaven, lololol xD

Anyways, it was very interesting, and I like the concept of angel and demon's forbidden love xD very romantic indeed xDD best one I've read about them so far x)

I thank you for making our days sunny 8D but may Nagihiko and Rima rest in peace. ;u; but yeah I think they'll be together even if they died c: and just putting someone to slay them like Amu.. That's even more interesting. I don't hate her in this story, haha xD

Keep up the good work!

PanwuFace chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
Not bad...I liked it!

Luck on your next story!