Reviews for Hard to Remember, Impossible to Forget
wxyus chapter 38 . 6/6
aaaa im done! this is one of the stories that got me hooked. this is so beautiful and it taught me a lot of lesson especially about God. I'm a Catholic myself but im not that religious as elena and i found myself understanding damon more than elena but in the end i understand where she is coming from. and tbh, i thought elena will be have tumor or what because you gave hints about the fainting and her being sick etc and i lowkey wanted it to happen thinking how would damon react ggrgrhdhhrh im a sucker for angst like thatdbejjrjdj anyway the story is realistic and i absolutely will reread this when i need advice about love lolololol thanks for writing this beautiful story
wxyus chapter 32 . 6/5
are there any chapter that doesnt have any bad news
wxyus chapter 31 . 6/5
wxyus chapter 26 . 6/5
i wasn't ready for this nooooooooo
wxyus chapter 25 . 6/5
if they didn't kiss im gonna flip
wxyus chapter 24 . 6/5
i am emotional
wxyus chapter 22 . 6/5
wxyus chapter 14 . 6/5
my heart hurts for both of them
adriana6563 chapter 38 . 1/20/2019
Esm3rald chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
God, John sure would win the award as worst parent on the planet.
VitsAsh chapter 38 . 10/11/2016
This is by far the most realistic story in terms of relationship between any doesn't give false hopes nor way too much drama. It's what it's...the way they both realise their mistake and take action over it plus they way Rebecca and Pastor explains them...every couple should read this as it's the best story by far not only on DamonElena but also life and its complications! Thanks for sharing this story.
She Made Him Good chapter 34 . 10/4/2016
Seriously Booth Damon and Elena have a complexe mind
She Made Him Good chapter 33 . 10/4/2016
Damon is in a bad place so i undrestand why Elena turned him down
She Made Him Good chapter 32 . 10/4/2016
Poor DE they cant have a carefree day ..
Drama hunts them wherever they are
She Made Him Good chapter 31 . 10/4/2016
Hhhhhhh yopi give US a little Elena this time
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