Reviews for Stockholm Syndrome
BlackWingedTrickster chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
Simply amazing!
Tjay M chapter 2 . 8/12/2012
I knew hed come back again... I wish there was some lemony goodness to this one ;-)
ilovemanicures chapter 2 . 6/23/2011
Wow I like totally love this, don't ask me why I just do it was like sooo well written it's kinda hard not to you know? Any-who thank you so much for sharing this was really fun to read! :D
looptheloopy chapter 2 . 3/28/2011
This... This is amazing. *stare*
xCho chapter 2 . 3/21/2011
One word: Amazing. Seriously, you managed to capture and depict such realistic relationships between the Yamis and the Hikaris. And there was nothing overly "sugary and sweet"-but that made it all the more realistic. Especially the relationship between Ryou and Bakura; they DO seem to have sort of a Stockholm Syndrome kind of feel to them. And really, angst works the best with them not a overly romantic sugary feel that others sometimes give them. This fic does them justice along with the others too, of course. Great job!
earthluva chapter 2 . 3/21/2011
This is sooooo amazing! I love it, the best tendershipping stockholm fic I've ever seen! XD You actually made the emotions and events gradual, unlike most people who seem to think it happens all at once -_-
Millenium Love chapter 2 . 2/24/2011
Oh my goodness! That was spectacular! I loved every bit of it! Angsty and delicious! :) Thanks so much for writing! 3
HelloIAmParker chapter 2 . 2/24/2011
Oh god, its amazing. This is an amazing story. You go Ryou, you keep your man!

I love this. Amazing. 3

Ryou VeRua chapter 2 . 2/14/2011
That was an excellent piece! I'm so glad I found it. It was a fantastic new twist on the 'separate body/post-canon' theme.

One thing that actually stood out to me was the relationship between Malik and Marik. At first I had felt a little jilted because I thought you were going to have them in some sort of abusive relationship - but then it was revealed that they were fighting like equals. That just made me... really happy.

Anyway, that was fantastic. I really hope that you'll be writing more in the future!
Stella chapter 2 . 2/13/2011
This was absolutely amazing. Thank you for writing such a deep piece. It is fics like this that make me envious; if only I could write like you _
ardx chapter 2 . 2/13/2011
awww cute ending
QueenKittyM chapter 2 . 2/12/2011
Just to get this out of the way, I gotta say this: Holy SHIT.

And now on to the actual review.

I loved this very much. If you ask me, there's WAY too much fluffy Tendershipping out there; Bakura is CRUEL and EVIL. If you want fluff, stick to Puzzleshipping.

Ah, but there was also Puzzleshipping, and even THAT wasn't the sickeningly sweet crap it usually is. Instead, Yami actually wants to die, and Yugi is just being selfish in keeping him here. I liked this take very much, probably because I HATE the Pharoh and the thought of him being suicidal makes me oh-so-happy.

And Malik and his dark side, they've got their own fucked-up hate/lust/need relationship going on there that is just fascinating, not to mention highly entertaining.

To sum this up, great story. It has some actual interesting substance in the characters' relationships rather than meaningless fluff. Very good. I will now be checking out the rest of your fanfics.