Reviews for That's What You Think
108fanfiction chapter 1 . 5/21/2018
I don’t like how Scorpius is a totally man whore and doesn’t even care about the repercussions of it. He basically takes advantage of Rose when they first have sex. They don’t even get to establish their relationship before they just jump into bed with each other.
kgquinn chapter 17 . 12/21/2017
Called it!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/2/2017
That was a great story! Can't wait to read what else you have written:)
Guest chapter 13 . 10/29/2016
what does L mean in RLW?
ll chapter 20 . 2/28/2016
Rose Malfoy. That name sounds so good.
ll chapter 14 . 2/28/2016
Oh My God. real tears. How could you do this!
ll chapter 7 . 2/27/2016
Your book won't let me stop smiling. God, I love Scorose
ll chapter 5 . 2/27/2016
The scammanders are twins
tippy1999 chapter 20 . 11/16/2015
Thank you so much for writing this story! It was so much fun reading this story and seeing how the characters developed! I also loved the drama with Nickolas, Rose, and Scorp.
tippy1999 chapter 19 . 11/16/2015
Awesome story.. One of my favorites!
Toomanybooks16 chapter 4 . 6/30/2015
Just a thought - I was rereading for the millionth time and i noticed this: "Oh, that reminds me, have you shown it to anyone yet? You aren't really one to wear skimpy clothes, but it is on your shoulder so a tank top would reveal part of it. Let me know the reactions!" From Amber's letter to Rose, bUT I can't recall any other mentions of what I'm guessing is a tattoo? I dunno but I'll review again when I finish and in the meantime you might wanna consider a change of your the sort who is bothered by small plot inconsistencies.
Acillia chapter 20 . 5/17/2015
This is literally the most beautiful fa fiction I have even read. Your writing style is incredible and your characters are terrific and realistic! If you ever get the chance to one day write a book - do it. I reckon it would be a best seller. Xx
schleifchen chapter 18 . 4/18/2015
This story is divine! Every little piece is just perfect. I love everything. I was crying when Draco died because the society never changed their opinion of him, regardless what effort he does to change. He was such a good Person after Hogwarts. And I love the relationship of Albus and Lizzie. Oh, the proposition was just so sweet... and that James came to see it. It was adorable how close the whole family is. Besides I really fell in love with Caroline and Lorcan. The thought that she would stay with someone because her fathet would be pleased. Horrible. I was so sad to think that she never would experience love... but then Lorcan showed up. I was so so sad when she told her father... and then I was so happy. He went back to protect her. He loves her still.
And OF COURSE I adore ScoRose. I think it is obvious. But, everybody have to love them. They are just toi cute. They are destined for each other! And your plot is so beautiful! It is so dramatic and sometimes I really wanted to throw a virtuell stone at you. I was so happy when you decides that Al ends there dilemma and just put them together. I was like "Finally!"
I think I covered everything or? Did I forget something? Oh, Lily and Lysander? What happend between them?
But yes, You are awesome, the Story is awesome and your OCs are awesome!
I would love to read a story about Caroline because I really love her and her Background.
All in all I adore this story and I think the word divine fit perfectly!
more thoughts chapter 7 . 12/20/2014
scorpius is thicker than the wall of a bomb shelter. please say he's not a ravenclaw.
thoughts chapter 6 . 12/20/2014

also i'm not sure which house your rose is in, but i'm guessing you have her in gryffindor when she really belongs in hufflepuff.
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