Reviews for The Truth
Alice Cooper chapter 18 . 12/20/2016
No fue mi intencion ofenderla solo espero que sepa disculpar mi idiscrecion
Alice Cooper chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
Me preguntaba que va apasar con esta historia actualice o deje que otra persona lo continue
Longing for Oblivion chapter 17 . 3/8/2016
Hey, so I was wondering will you continue this story at one point? Cause it's really good.
Ruby Pen chapter 17 . 8/13/2013
Please tell me this story hasn't been abandoned. It's been on my story alert forever! I love it. Please continue it
EarthhAngel chapter 17 . 6/6/2013
Has this story been abandoned? I love it! We need more Michael Alex Stories. There aren't enough and this one's good, but the chapters are kinda short for my liking. But it's good. Hopefully you haven't abandoned it although it's been about 10 months since you've updated anything. but this is awesome! Please re-update.
Hystericul chapter 17 . 6/2/2013
Wow can't believe I'm finding this fic now, it's fantastic & I love Michael & Alex as a pair! I know you haven't updated this fic in a really long time but it'd be nice if you could somehow continue this story, it's amazing!
icequeen chapter 17 . 3/26/2013
hey i hope u cam update this sometime soon i really love this fic i hope u can :)
BadassFanKickass chapter 1 . 2/8/2013
love it update soon
Christinawrath chapter 1 . 2/5/2013
I love this whole story, even if it isn't finished. You are an amazing writer. Please, please, please continue to write Alex/Michael fanfiction. There is not enough of this out there!
NightRavers chapter 5 . 1/26/2013
Love it so far, nice job.
bethanyH chapter 17 . 8/21/2012
Update soon please? :)
jen chapter 17 . 8/14/2012
Please update soon, i love this story!
belle chapter 17 . 8/9/2012
Thank god you are still continuing this story! But please make michael and alex happen soon ;)
Halle Alexis chapter 17 . 8/6/2012
So excited to see you're back! We've missed your writing and I can't wait to read more!
bethany chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
Please continue this story, i love it. You are a really good writer and i hope tha you will update soon.
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