Reviews for Concerto
cmg105 chapter 8 . 5/16
Hi dear author, I recently became a fan of Nodame Cantabile. It's been a long time since you updated this fic, I'm hoping you could still continue it.
Mayuka chapter 8 . 6/13/2018
Nice fanfic! I like the plot. One thing I would change is that you use ellipses too much.
myzee chapter 8 . 5/29/2016

I got the Nodame fever back when YouTube asked me if I'd like to watch it again. So, I ended up watching the Paris Hen, the Finale, and the OVAs. I also ended up reading the stand alone chapter written by Tomoko Ninomiya earlier this year.

Of course, this created a need to read more Nodame fanfics (which is not a lot), and got me into reading your fic again (and I am starting a really long one-shot too).

Hope you update this soon! :)
eurielle chapter 8 . 4/27/2016
Is this on hiatus or discontinued? I really like it so much, and I am looking forward to it.
random musique chapter 8 . 3/15/2016

there are hardly any good Nodame fanfics in this site...ugggghhhhh

please continue XD
Tara chapter 8 . 11/17/2015
Great story, I know it's been a while since the last update, but I really hope to read some more from you soon :)
Best wishes,
Heise chapter 8 . 10/5/2015
This is utterly fascinating! Wow! What a set up with Masayuki! Ahhhh! it's too short!
Roxas fleur chapter 8 . 7/27/2015
Update update! It's been 4 years already. You sure you're alive?
ajwa chapter 8 . 11/11/2013
It is very intentional and moving right from the start. I am really enjoying it so far, please update soon. Good job :)
andy cma chapter 8 . 6/29/2013
Continualo por favor :-)
zahtarah31 chapter 8 . 6/8/2013
Hopefully you'll continue this story, it is truly lovely...
Best wishes.
thesadisttensaifuji chapter 8 . 5/24/2013
I know it's been two years since you last updated this, but this story begs to be written. The necessary back story about Chiaki Masayuki's disappearance from his son's life, Nodame trying to understand it, her big break, the differentiation between a genius and a star - all these should have been canon. I always found Nodame's character wanting, and I'm so glad you did her justice with this fic. From what I gather, Nodame and Masayuki are on the same page when it comes to their music, and Nodame's probably the only person who can understand the decisions he made. She's going to be Chiaki's angel once more - by bringing father and son together. I will be waiting for this to be updated.
miyako.saku chapter 8 . 3/27/2013
Oi you must continue this story, I have fallen in live with it mukya :D please update :( even if you have been long gone :( pleaaseeee
Guest chapter 8 . 3/10/2013
so lovely, can't wait to see what happens next!
animefan28 chapter 8 . 12/19/2012
Great story so far! more please! :)
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