Reviews for Australian R & R
thatsmeglen chapter 7 . 9/23
Sweet Merlin, I don’t think I’ve ever read such a passionate lovemaking before...I had shivers running down my spine and I like the idea of Angelina helping Ron and hermione for their first date and hermione having some1 to talk to, offcourse she can’t do that with ginny
Clinio chapter 12 . 4/4
A magnificent work. Congratulations.
Clinio chapter 9 . 4/4
Yes. I love this strongly.
Now is Ron time to be a real couple, boyfriend and... husband, even.
Clinio chapter 7 . 4/4
Guest chapter 12 . 8/13/2017
I know this fic is old and I don't even know if you'll read this, but you are an awesome writer! This was such a well rounded and easy to read story, none of it felt forced and it really flowed well. I cried! I never cry!'n the memorial and fireworks were just so beautiful man! I hope you publish a book someday!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
Now I know y the title had R & R because all the chapters start with the letter R
Steven Weasley chapter 12 . 4/27/2017
I've read this story 4 times and every time I read, I love it more.
wanderlustnyc chapter 12 . 10/24/2016
Wonderful story! A great follow-up to Hermione's Worst Nightmare.
wanderlustnyc chapter 10 . 10/23/2016
Oh geez...I'm in tears. Powerful chapter in terms of realization for Hermione's parents and for Ron.
banzi chapter 12 . 6/7/2016
Just reread your story. It was just as great this time around. Great story.
The Trupe chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
Just love it. You're an amazing author. Best story ever.
witchmahogany123 chapter 1 . 12/7/2015
this is a good story I like it
puttetiki chapter 12 . 1/17/2013
Really good story! Greatly enjoyed it. Very well written.. looking forward to read the next in line.
By the way, just on a side note..., in Britain, pants refer to underpants and nothing else! What you probably refer to with pants are trousers and a girl have knickers not panties. Also, ass would be arse in Britain. Finally, I find it hard to believe that Hermione Granger, in a million years, would ever say Fuck!
Potterhead123 chapter 12 . 11/15/2012
Awdrgyjilp chapter 1 . 11/14/2012
I love this story already and I've only read one chapter! One of the reasons I love it is because the chapters are long and most ron/hermione fics you read each chapter is SOO short and they are good stories there just really short and that annoys me I also love jaw like understanding ron is about everything it's just great
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