Reviews for The Flower With Invisible Thorns
RavynLex chapter 17 . 7/24/2019
Ok, so I just binged all 17 chapters, and I just... Yay! It's really really good, and I can't wait to see what happens next!
Kera Atchley chapter 1 . 11/11/2015
Excellent beginning!
Bliiink chapter 14 . 9/15/2015
YOU CAN'T DO THIS! Like really? That is not an acceptable place to leave off *sniff, sniff*. That's not okay. Not okay at all! I NEED MORE! *sniff* (If you want a review that isn't based on my emotions of reading this all in one go, I really really really like your story. It's nicely paced with humor that's timed just right. The plot is fantastic. It's easy to become attached to. I enjoy this story immensely. You're doing a good job, keep it up. *Thumbs up*)
xxyangxx2006 chapter 14 . 7/21/2015
Oh man is this one emotional trip. I read it all in one sitting and am now close to tears at just what happened with Hana and Takashi. And I am sad to say that I believe a situation could happen like this in the real world. I am very happy though that Hana is such a good big sister to Haruhi and that Ranka is an even better father than I ever thought. I can't wait to see what Akira has to say to her but it makes me very nervous. Keep up the great work!
FanOfPiPercy chapter 14 . 7/11/2015
Please Please Please Please Please Please UPDATE
SOON! This book is so good, I barely cry at anything but this made me cry along with The Odd Life Of Timothy Green, but other than that... It made me cry!
NakaylaHael chapter 14 . 7/10/2015
So I'm going to take a guess and say that the family on the other side of the arranged marriage are the people seemingly attempting to kidnap Hana, if the massive amounts of foreshadowing are indeed pointing toward kidnap. If not kidnap, then probably just completely break her in the eyes of society and perhaps in spirit.
Anywho, awesome story. Probably one of the best Mori/OC fics I've ever read, if I'm honest. There's just so much to this story and if I were to take time to name all of them, this review would be a bonafide novel. Seriously, awesome. I can wait to read more. :D
wealhtheow1 chapter 14 . 7/10/2015
This is wonderful! It's so nice to read a well-written Mori story. Everyone is very true to their original characters. Please, please continue!
Guest chapter 13 . 11/25/2014
This is by far the best TakashixOC I have read in a long time. Keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 13 . 11/25/2014
UPDATE NOW! I must know what happens!
The Yoshinator chapter 13 . 8/15/2014
Oh snap! Snap in a Z pattern. Man, I wonder how well this meeting will go.
Kaylee-sempai chapter 13 . 8/15/2014
kate1243 chapter 13 . 8/14/2014
omg cant wait to see what happens next so excited.
Kaylee-sempai chapter 12 . 7/20/2014
RM Kox chapter 12 . 7/18/2014
Please tell me you will update soon?!
MischievousAngel0923 chapter 12 . 4/4/2013
Oh! I had tears last chapter! This is such a great story! And so suspenseful! I can not wait to see where you go from here.
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