Reviews for About Horizon
Ghilasmelana chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
Ah Kaidan you worthless little piece of...whatever. Seriously, how can anyone act like this towards someone he has feelings for? Even if they were just friends (as in my case because my Shepard went for Liara) it's just horribly wrong.

Screw Alliance. I can't possibly see myself being confronted with someone I thought being two years dead and say to him "Hey nice of you not letting me know you were alive. Go screw yourself, because of it and by the way Cerberus sucks."

I can pretty much picture my Shepy whacking the hell outta everything in reaching distance. Especially after that "personal" email. Seriously how can anyone think it's alright to apologize through email, knowing that she's just going to probably die...AGAIN.

If there is some DLC with Kaidan/Ashley in it I am sooo hoping there will be some *punch here* renegade option. I want to beat the crap out of those two even more than from the Turian Ambasador and that stands for something.

Well enough of that. The shot is brilliant, it really brings the mood, the emotions, the raw hurting of the feelings. It made me almost wish to just be there (well not in the moment when Shepard holds her gun) but you know just to be part of that moment.

Sigh why can't we just have something like that ingame with that stunningly beautifull voice acting of Jenifer Hale? I would pay to see it.
Sisypheria chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
This is what I wanted in the game post-Horizon. The raw emotion that Shepard was experiencing... Only having Joker and Garrus as the true friends after her lover leaves her life again. I'm really pleased with your work!

There was only one little mistake that you can easily fix: when there's a question in quotations, you should have a question mark.
FireStorm005 chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
This is pretty close to how I envision my FemShep responding to Horizon and the following message from Kaidan. I don't really like how pretty much all the fics have FemShep either having used Kaidan in ME1 and really falling for Garrus or running back to Kaidan as though what he said on Horizon didn't happen. Relationships are built on trust and I really like how you showed just how much that lack of trust hurt, especially from the one person who should have trusted her the most. It is refreshing to see someone who I agree with on this take of FemShep and her relationships.
RayneEthelwulf chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
Loved the "kicking my rooms ass". That's what I would have done. *sigh* Garrus is just packed full of awesomeness.