Reviews for Look Into The Mirror
Guest chapter 26 . 5/12
He he
Guest chapter 25 . 5/12
Oh no Hermione is going to be killed lol
Guest chapter 23 . 5/12
Charms lol no Draco's cool and Tom is too his dog named Willow is like so cute and just lovely by what I can tell. I have three dogs don't know why I said that

Guest chapter 23 . 5/12
Lol charms no Draco's cool and tom is to his dog n
Guest chapter 22 . 5/12
Hinny is cute

Guest chapter 20 . 5/12
Yay he's ok! I mean I though he would but I'm just happy he is and was my mind suppose to think maybe he hurt himself I mean I don't think he would but I don't know

Guest chapter 19 . 5/12
He didn't hurt himself ,right please say no it hurts to think about hurting themselves about hurting ourselves he didn't tho I hope sometimes you can't know I mean we know he's hurting inside but so many people put on a happy face and... Then we hurt ourselves and people don't even know or they take it to far and then they are gone

-RS keep on going please don't hurt yourself we do that enough
Guest chapter 18 . 5/12
I knew it so yay I guess

Guest chapter 33 . 5/12
draco almost killed ron with poisoin, ron should press charge and draco should go to askaban.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/11

-RS was it tiny I didnt do the I even ps hope your doing good I know it is not tiny I mean small but not tiny now I'm just doing it to make it longer
Guest chapter 10 . 5/11
Hermione why are you not telling us what it said

Guest chapter 9 . 5/11
No Luna is not she is great just had to say it


PS forgot to sign the last one but you won't see any anyway
Guest chapter 6 . 5/11
I love you I mean how could I not ,you see what I see and know they're meant to new together too

Guest chapter 3 . 5/11
Draco is a very capable so it is kind of wired seeing him like this but I hope as I read he shows that

Guest chapter 2 . 5/11
OooOoohHhh don't kIsS wiTh yOur mOtHer tHeRe. Get a room;) then you can make kid's he he he lol pls don't hate me

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