Reviews for Tidbits
Guest chapter 8 . 12/29/2015
love it
Mychand chapter 6 . 9/13/2014
Oh, I love, love, love this one! I found myself so hoping he would come around in the end.
OldSFfan chapter 8 . 9/8/2014
Don't mess with Cait!
KatFenn chapter 2 . 9/1/2014
I think you've captured a spooked Hawke really well! Typical Dom (sorry this review is for Chapter 1) trying to matchmake, and I think you gave it a good twist by making Nancy do it!

Loved Hawke's ramblings in Chapter 2. :) Typical Hawke!
PJF chapter 8 . 8/31/2014
I was glad to see that you posted something. I miss your writing.
Mychand chapter 8 . 8/30/2014
This was great! I could picture the whole thing in my head. I love your writing. Wish you would do more!
fanfictionawf chapter 8 . 8/30/2014
You know I love your writings. I was so happy when I saw you started this. I had to do a double take to see it really was you. Please add more to this story. I loved where it was headed. String jealous, love it. Please pretty please!
Eagle Hawke chapter 8 . 8/30/2014
robertwnielsen chapter 8 . 8/30/2014
Very nicely done! I kinda hinted at the "She's a kid" comment in "Not So Sweet," but this was very nice!

And maybe Hawke will learn to keep his big mouth shut! (re: his "Maybe we should go to them more often..." comment)

Good to see you writing again! (Short as it is).

Mogo Girl chapter 7 . 3/20/2013
So I somehow just discovered this little collection of "Tidbits" I loved all of them, very well done! And they all left me longing for more to the story. I would love to see one or two of these flushed out to more in depth pieces. Anyways...thanks for a great set of stories...I enjoyed reading them :)
Sammie28 - not signed in chapter 7 . 7/24/2011
Have enjoyed all the chapters, but what I loved especially from the last seven chapters:

- loved Caitlin playing Dom: What? You didn't remember something I already told you? Gettin' old? lol - Dom would never admit to that!

- "'Ah, that's okay, Dom,' Hawke patted Dom's stomach quickly. 'You seem to be putting enough on your bones to make up for the rest of us.'" I love it when Hawke teases Dom - too rare, and too much fun.

- I actually liked the scene in Chapter 5 where Caitlin is recounting Hawke's kiss, rather than us seeing it. It's a great way to get Cait's perspective. Loved the effect of not actually seeing the kiss.

- loved Cait and Marella hanging out. Season 2, with the both of them, had such potential...such wasted potential.

- I thought all of Chapter 6 was just brilliant. Too often FFs have Caitlin being too pushy and/or String talking too much, but this is a perfect balance. Here, Caitlin does ask for an answer, but she's still got self-respect; and Hawke expresses his emotions in his usual manner (as few words as possible)!
robertwnielsen chapter 7 . 7/24/2011
Okay...I totally misunderstood that this takes place *before* "Choices." Which changes my *entire* feeling about this chapter.

I can definitely understand Hawke feeling the way he does...what with the curse and everything, but loneliness is a nasty thing. This chapter did a wonderful job conveying Hawke's feelings...not only about his curse, but about his life and Cait's place in it. Looking forward to Chap. 8! :)

OldSFfan chapter 7 . 7/23/2011
Every addition to Tidbits is a pleasure to read. The latest installment fleshes out Hawke's fears and motivations. Good job.
rainefan chapter 6 . 5/18/2011
I really like these. I hope you write more!
millarayen chapter 6 . 4/24/2011
Muy dulce! me encantó la frase final:

"Does this mean you've quit running?"

He pulled away just enough to see into her eyes. The corner of his mouth curved up in a wry grin.

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