Reviews for Forget Me Nots
moonlillies chapter 42 . 3/20/2018
Absolutely loved it, thanks! Can't wait to see what she does.
haplot chapter 42 . 9/30/2017
I just reread this story and not to sound dramatic or nothing buteh... by the great beard of Oden, please carry on with this story, fav-writer!
A Random Human chapter 42 . 9/13/2017
This fic honestly deserves so many more reviews... Once I started I honestly couldn't stop. Definitely looking forqard to future updates!
Tom Riddle Minor chapter 42 . 5/28/2017
Urrghh - moving forwards in this speed, and then a cliffhanger... if you go on that way I'll be reborn as something disgusting and reading the end through a million eyes in my next life!

That said, this is just great. "Game, set and match" is great fun, and I love it. But this is the real stuff. Could be made into a TV series. Should be.

Thank you for writing and sharing!
Tom Riddle Minor chapter 39 . 5/10/2017
10-05-2017: As much as I love "Game, Set and Match", I really really REALLY am waiting for an update here. This is a masterpiece of dark romance, and the complicated structure where you're telling the story from both ends, so to say, is leaving your readers in a limbo that's is almost unbearable. I just read the whole thing again and being forced to a halt almost caused me something like physical pain. So - please?

(This should have been posted as a commentary to chapter 41, but as I already have posted one review to that chapter I was refused. That's why.)
ReadingStar chapter 41 . 12/12/2016
Only just happened upon this update and honestly a, not disappointed... Was a brilliant story and, really, this still is.
seidh chapter 41 . 9/18/2016
Wow. Love this.
Tom Riddle Minor chapter 41 . 9/4/2016
Very beautiful, indeed - worth waiting for, even if it would be nice not to wait quite as long ... ;-) This 'Romeo and Juliet' variation is an amazing story in itself, among the deepest and darkest romances I've followed. In addition to that it's shedding a new light over some interesting secondary characters and is thus expanding the entire Potterverse. Bravo!
Christina chapter 1 . 9/4/2016
This remains one of my favourite Draco/OC stories.. another lovely chapter that leaves me wanting more! I hope we get more of draco and susan's history and also why Susan is the way she is now.. Fantastic as usual.. love your work!
Tom Riddle Minor chapter 40 . 8/17/2016
Hmmm - I'm getting just a little bit worried now: Almost a year since the last update. I hope you're not abandoning this lovely fic? It would be so much a shame! Not many writers have succeeded in giving this much life to Bones, who under your pen has become one of the most interesting sidekicks in the "Potterverse". And the conversations between her and Malfoy are really something to wait for, understated and tense as they are. So come on now - give it to us, we know you have it!
Tom Riddle Minor chapter 38 . 8/11/2015
Dark - one of the darkest love stories I've read for a long time. Surely worth following, well written as it is!
bloodredcherry chapter 37 . 6/10/2015
I think Nott unfortunately nailed it right on the head, and I totally assumed that Bones had a crush on him, so I'm not surprised I wasn't alone in that deduction. The other thing that confuses me is that she didn't want to ruin her reputation, does that mean with Dumbledore's Army? Because Draco is apparently a Death Eater?
Bear with me here, as I know all of these questions should be obvious, but I haven't been back to my story alerts for ages - and so I'm a bit rusty.
bloodredcherry chapter 36 . 6/10/2015
Oh, Draco, you ding dong.
You know, some sort of happy ending would be nice you know, heh, but I'm not really complaining. I actually prefer bittersweet endings most of the time, it would just be nice because of how much crap these two have already gone through.
Anyway, I'm curious as always to see how this plays out!
haplot chapter 37 . 4/30/2015
Love love love this story. I wish I had the strength to stay away and not return 'til I have at least 5 new chapters to read but alas.. As soon as I get the message that a new chapter is waitin for me; here I am.
Tom Riddle Minor chapter 36 . 3/15/2015
Yep. Totally agree. Worth waiting for. Only problem: The plot is rather complicated (working fine, nothing to say), so most uf us readers vill have to reread the whole thing for every second update to keep at least some kind of controll over the quite loose end ... But again, that's our problem and not yours.
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