Reviews for Black Sheep Third Time's the Charm
GraysonGirl chapter 15 . 11/23/2019
I am really getting into this world. Odd as it sounds I'm glad you didn't go into lavish detail on the wedding though!
I half expected Lex's punishment to be them chaining HIM up in the middle of nowhere for a few days with a saw, but Robin's tamer version was admittedly funny.

I was reading the new Deathstroke comics last night after this and there was a bear scene with Grant that sort of reminded me of this.

I liked the reminders that for all his toughness, Robin is really a city boy though.
GraysonGirl chapter 11 . 11/22/2019
sorry I know you said no mid chapter reviews on old stories but... oh my fucking God it's like SAW in here! That was amazing. I think I freaked people out on the bus with my barking laugh at that point. Yes, definitely SAW you got that idea from subconsciously. Unless you've never seen that movie, in which case... well done you evil sadist.
Ice chapter 3 . 8/18/2018
Wheres the bad? Wheres the grammar? I love you.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/8/2018
For me, I always think of Black Sheep Universe as the happiest one since Robin's relationships with each character is just fine. I guess that in Slade's side, this might be the closest thing to being reminded of his immortality. I guess maybe Kitty Litter is a strong second place for happy list. But both universes don't have Slade's immortal partner/s :/ Terms seem ok but there's still the huge crack between Bruce and Robin. Guess what I'm trying to say is I love the AUs where they're both humans like precious gift, royal command, and many other drabbles. Really nice picturing Slade and Robin just facing time together. Either way, love what you do in all your projects!
Missdellusion chapter 15 . 8/10/2015
It's always a joy to read your Work. The touch of Evil
At the end with Robin's sugar... Was really fantastic. I can honestly say I am laughing becuase of Slade and his shenanigans.

This had it all adventure, danger, sexy times, fleeting tender moments (that sun burnt shower scene counts right?), kinkiness (you go Dick!), and the romance (at least for Rose and Bruce).

As always well done!
sweetandspice chapter 15 . 9/1/2014
Loved it really good.
malphigus chapter 15 . 7/5/2014
Them holding hands is probably the most romantic thing that can happen. Really. Which is kind of sad but also good because you showed us just how meaningful a simple gesture like that is! Remind me to lay off the fluff when I write my OTPs.. *snort*

That trip was so fun to read at and once again, it's like watching a movie! Aww, Mr. Luthor messed with the wrong duo this time.. :D

Await my thoughts at BS4. See you there!
ionicpulse chapter 12 . 1/25/2014
whats my favorite type of trip? a naked road trip woooo hooooo
librarat chapter 15 . 7/22/2013
That... Was... Awesome!
librarat chapter 4 . 7/21/2013
Aww, they had a few moments of finishing each others sentences! Oh crap, what's gonna happen next?
librarat chapter 3 . 7/21/2013
I sorta, kinda, all most feel bad for Slade. However, he did bring this on himself by doing such a horrible thing in the middle of having sex, I wonder if there's a law against that or something, it does seem to be cruel and unusual punishment.
librarat chapter 1 . 7/21/2013
Aw, Rose and Brucey look cute together, hah Slade freaked out huh? Awesome first chapter!
Kezza teh fezza chapter 15 . 7/17/2013
once again you deliver a great story. I was a little bit disappointed though when Slade and Robin didn't get Rose and Bruce a strap-on so they could experience the gay limp first hand but I guess that kind of gift is inappropriate for weddings.
num-num-num chapter 15 . 7/4/2013
Tht rocked! Amazing! I liked this it was original like all your beautiful writes! Five stars! Thx for being a writer! :3
Guest chapter 13 . 7/1/2013
Yay sladin! Can't wait to read ch 13! Tomorrow though, cause it's like 12:30 :)
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