Reviews for His Howl
RockRole chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Man your the greatest thanks for this but it was kind of sad but cool enough for the rest of the movie thanks.
LoganTheLoneWolf chapter 1 . 6/9/2017
it was a good start
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2016
Add another chapter
jhilton0907 chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
That was one of the best stories I read. I can see this as a scene in the movie. Keep up the good work and would love to see more stories from you.
WolfSpirit223 chapter 1 . 2/4/2012
that was great
Brambleshadow of WindClan chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
OMSC, this is great. Loved it. It really ties into the movie. Honestly, I can totally see this as part of Alpha and Omega.
Villain84 chapter 1 . 2/1/2011
Great Story! Very Romantic. I can see how the Deleted Scene inspired you to write this. I love the way you write, and how you explained everything that was going through their minds at those times you did. I could imagine how awesome Humphrey looked as he was howling in the moonlight. Great job with that.
Darkwolf2425 chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
Very nicely done. It would have been great in the movie if this was included. I can say this, if this was a longer story then just one chapter, it would be interesting. Good Work :)
SimbaAndNala chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
This is so beautiful, I need to do a play-by-play :)

This first part was amazing. Not only did you set the stage for the rest of the one-shot, but you explained it so nicely, and with great emotion. The way that Humphrey was hurt by her calling him a house pet, and you even explained the weight on Kate's shoulders throughout the entire movie! Like you said, you "wanted to touch on some of the deeper, unspoken feelings in the film". And even Humphrey's pain throughout the movie because of Kate's obvious disinterest in him. They make out his exclusive attraction to Kate as vain and funny. But of course it makes sense that he's truly in love with her and he's going through emotional turmoil on the inside. Sorry, I'm ranting xD moving on.

I like how she watched him leave, kind of something I noticed in the movie. She's always acting disinterested in him, although she always seems to make sure to see what he's doing, out of curiosity and maybe a hidden compassion. And I laughed at the connection between scent and "repopulation" thoughts lol.

Very interesting point you brought up. Why did Kate save him? Never really crossed my mind. I guess I just figured, like you said, that she's protecting her pack. But of course, there might be something deeper there.

Very cute: It couldn't be Humphrey! Perhaps its an alpha xD oh Kate. You set yourself up so well :P

Now! I didn't expect what happens next. You said "she should probably get to sleep soon" and I was like "Aww... No fluff..." and then BAM! Their noses meet. Very effective writing technique. I'll have to start using it ;) thanks for the lesson haha.

And I always love giggling and submission. Almost like this one-shot was tailored towards me xD

And then Kate says she's sorry. Thank you! Another cute moment. Gotta love the stronger one putting herself below the weaker one. Probs my favorite theme!

Then this I didn't see coming. Kate's sudden turn of emotion on the mention of Barf. After some analysis, I realized that it does reflect her personality, like when he mentioned that she's having fun and she walked on ahead. And I'm sure the mention of Garth stirred up the same emotions she was feeling at the beginning of the one-shot. And it tied this one-shot into the movie, because she seems kinda euphoric in the morning, but she still growls when their noses meet.

All in all, an amazing one-shot. 5 stars! I really hope to see more from you. You've put these two in an even higher light than they already were for me. And for that, I thank you ;)

TheDiggerFiles chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
Amazing. That's all I have to say. Great story!
Sarrina-Wolf-Chick chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
I liked this story very much. I love the howls in the movie, its so beautiful!
Seattle Raccoon chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
Dude, that truly was amazing to read, but are you really going to stop with just 1?