Reviews for Defying Gravity
bambicottage chapter 27 . 10/25/2017
I love that you have Gred & Forge singing sisters! I can just imagine them in the parts of Bing Crosby & Danny Kaye!
It’s towards the end of October & I now have a hankering to watch White Christmas (again) already!
Katfaery chapter 44 . 4/18/2017
I'm constantly confused by the repeated talk of nursing and not having weaned yet... She's been away from the baby for most of a year, only seeing him once a month or so... Her milk would have dried up sometime within the first week after her getting back to school, so HOW is that baby still not weaned? (Also why would a couple of purebloods have a minister?)
MuggleCreator chapter 53 . 3/20/2016
MuggleCreator chapter 50 . 3/20/2016
Urgh. No, not on Arti's side anymore. This is messed up. :/
MuggleCreator chapter 46 . 3/20/2016
Urgh. I'm sort of on Arti's side. I mean... *shudders*.
Me chapter 54 . 5/20/2015
I caught your Yellow Wallpaper reference... *shudders*
Me chapter 51 . 5/20/2015
I set the text of this poem to music for my composition class. The harmony was based off of tritones, arguably the most dissonant interval possible.
Me chapter 38 . 5/19/2015
Aaaannnd it fell.
Me chapter 2 . 5/18/2015
I liked the verbal/non-verbal commentary
Laetitiachalk chapter 73 . 5/16/2015
Hi, I spent this last week reading chapters 10 to 73 of your story. Gripping writing, I couldn't stop reading despite already knowing the major plotturns from having read the Dangerverse. I love the interaction between Arti and Lena and the way you managed to create several strong female characters. I'm glad for all the time you took to show the aftermath of the kidnapping and Grahems death and waited several chapters until the backleash on Selena.
I love all the quotes and pieces of dialogue from various musicals and books I love, even though I'm sure I missed at least half of them, but that's what rereads are for. Loads of hilarious moments in there as well.
Thanks for some brilliant writing, definately one on the best fanfics I've ever read.
Taliatoennien chapter 51 . 12/20/2014
I absolutely loved the insight in the way that Lena's father told her that she might have enjoyed killing the werewolf in the moment, but she realized later that wasn't who she wanted to be - and the joy she took in the actions now disgusted her. Some of the trauma is reaching its peak, it hurts that she can't be around Zach anymore, or Maya (which I suppose is the point!)

Very much loving this and wanting to read more, this is as far as I've been able to read so far, so I'll post new reviews as I can.
Taliatoennien chapter 50 . 12/20/2014
This was insightful, challenging on a number of levels, excruciatingly painful to be in Lena's head ... and might be my favorite chapter thus far. The intro to the story starts with how Lena always wanted to prove that Slytherins aren't all Death Eaters in training, and now it seems the story is deep into the philosophical heart of what it means to be a Slytherin. Lena appeared to be out of control a few chapters ago, now Arti is ragingly out of control, Lena has no one, and the entire house is threatening to fracture. I actually think it's not true that the actions of children can't affect the outcome of the war, and all that's going on is more important than anyone outside the House can see.
Taliatoennien chapter 49 . 12/20/2014
Wow ... I'd seen that building for awhile, but it still took me entirely by surprise. And you know, as wrong as she was in the end, I still identify with Arti too much to hate her. By the time this chapter began, I'd reached my peak of being uncomfortable with the way that Lena had enjoyed what she'd done and was planning more vengeance - I wanted her to be jolted out of it somehow, brought back into the real world where more things matter than vengeance and vengeance won't bring back the dead, I wanted her to forget the power of the Cruciatus and just ... I don't know, start being able to honestly examining who was at fault for the whole thing and be able to let someone else in, anyone else. And I thought that pushing at her the way Arti did was exactly the way to break that down. But Arti wasn't doing it for the right reasons, and she went way, WAY too far. I identify with assuming that because someone else looks a certain way (in this case, smug about the werewolf's death and happy that she'd done what she did) - therefore assuming that's reflecting what's going on in the other person's heart, and pushing and pushing and pushing for a different reaction, never dreaming that my actions were already causing far worse damage than I'd ever dreamed because the other person wasn't showing it. I think that's what happened to Arti.
Taliatoennien chapter 48 . 12/20/2014
Haha, the "she knows plenty more" swear words part had me laughing for quite awhile. I'm really interested to see how it plays out with Flora and Laurasia. The end scene in Azkaban was chilling - once again, you made a gorgeous use of name meanings.
Taliatoennien chapter 47 . 12/20/2014
I can see Lena is still firmly convinced it's all her fault. I really don't see how it possibly objectively could be her fault. I'm starting to gain an appreciation for how dangerous things really had to have been in Slytherin all along - the kind of communication that has to be done in the kind of pureblood families a lot of your characters come from scares me to death. Anyway, though, it seemed like the plan had been in place for a long time, and maybe Lena and her family were at the center, but it's kind of like canon Harry and Ginny in canon, sometimes fighting for the cause is what's important and if there's a central good guy person who the others keep dying for, that does not make the deaths that person's fault (the good guys would have rallied around someone else had the initial person not been there). You wrote Graham's funeral beautifully.
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