Reviews for Shelter
inlovewiththeuniverse july chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
So full of passion! You are a very talented writer!
nhrc chapter 1 . 10/7/2014
as i once wrote:
How sad to experience first love in this way. I can see what will happen when Spock arises: will not remember a thing or deny, but will return to old ways ... how painful it would be Jim, and perhaps also for himself.
How noble by McCoy.
Mirage chapter 1 . 11/20/2013
Absolute great story! love her
please more when possible in the future
Helca Maica chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
Oh my god, this was amazing...! One of the most incredible pieces of fanfiction I have ever come across. Original pairings are indeed in a totally different league that the newer ones...! All the feelings and the fears and the fluff that are thrown and scattered in here, so spontaneous and yet so precise in their purpose. I went from the point of almost crying to "awww" and "oh, damn!" one too many times...! And I absolutely loved Bones! Now, that is a true friend. In a kind of selflessly disturbed, self-distructive, and maybe a bit patronizing way, yes, but a true friend...! I wonder what happens afterwards...
Thank you for this piece!
fohatic chapter 1 . 6/23/2013
I read this on the K/S archive and just loved it; I'm saving it to favorites here in the hope that others might notice the powerful piece and give it the attention it deserves!
Jolly jamacian janitor chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF THROUGH THIS ENTIRE THING, MCCOY'S PRESENCE'S THERE WHEN JIM STARTED CRYING, EVERYTHING BONES THOUGHT, JIM CRYING AND MCCOY DIGGING OUT THE CHIP! I'm sorry I just LOVED it, I can't begin to explain how pleasurable it was to read this. I honestly was imagining they'd get beamed aboard in the potition of Jim and Spock getting it on and Mccoy facing the other way and pretending to sleep, TRY JOURNALING THAT KIRK. I apologize once more this is just too hilarious! Thank you, with endless enthusiasm THANKYOU, thank you for Mccoy the awkward situation and the humor.
KrissyNightwish17 chapter 1 . 4/20/2011
Absolutley awesome. Thank you so much for this grandious story. Wow!
Kyonkichi89 chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
Oh, this is wonderful. Simply amazing. I've been a Star Trek fan for a long time thanks to my parents, but never grew up with the show or experienced early fanfiction like this firsthand. I'm so grateful that you decided to upload it for us unfortunate younger generations. I love the way you told the story from Bones' perspective because of his insights into both Kirk and Spock's feelings. Definitely a unique and effective technique. I love the tenderness between Spock and Jim as well. You capture their emotions so beautifully.

One thing: I noticed some formatting issues where paragraphs would break off in the middle and jump down a line. It only happens once or twice, but I just thought I'd let you know. I don't want anything detracting from your wonderful story. Other than that, it's fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing!
die-kokolores chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
Can you say "awkward"? 0_o

haha at some points I couldnt tell if this was a comedy or not because of Bones' awkward third-wheelness but dont get me wrong, it was beautifully written and very touching and I loved it! but ohmygod thirdwheel!bones was pretty fantastic!
Rhumba2 chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
This is wonderful, tender and erotic and moving.

You write beautifully, thank you for this.
twice the rogue chapter 1 . 1/25/2011
I absolutly love this story and have saved it to my laptop to read it again at some later point. Although at times I wasn't a hundred percent sure what was going on ( like why Kirk was crying) I know that's because it's from McCoy's veiwpoint and that little sense of not knowing dousn't in any way ruin the story. The dialouge is more like that of the original serises than any other story that I've read so far and the "I think I'm going to faint ... thought McCoy" line made me laugh. I'm getting ready to read the sequel now.