Reviews for Best Forgotten Past
Avici Mame chapter 2 . 5/20/2009
I love your writing, simple and flow, I read most of the published novels, all were adored of using big and deep words. I hope there's gonna be some zoids fight coming up.
Avici Mame chapter 1 . 5/20/2009
So far so good, love the memory lose establishing storyline. this is my favourite anime from its zoids collection, thank you for your creation to bright up my day.
Dennis Williams chapter 38 . 6/29/2008
That was a nawesome fic you battles were done real good as well.
Knight of Rust chapter 38 . 11/8/2007
Very good story! I have to admit, your a wonderful writer. All the cliffhangers kept right on the edge of my seat and even when I couldn't make it to a computer to see what the next chapter says I was thinking about what would happen next.

Btw, happy 400th review. _
AikoNamika chapter 25 . 3/30/2006
I'm really enjoying this fic! It's quite entertaining. You've got me intrigued as to why this Zane guy is following after Bit and trying to kill everyone around him and (apparently now) him as well. What's so secretive about Bit's past? I look forward to finding out.

Only one thing bothered me - the Geno Breaker, and the way that the battle with it went. From what I've heard, the Geno Breaker - none of the Zoids with charged particle cannons, actually - cannot move around while firing the CPC. The recoil would be too much - that's why they put the clamps down. There's also the fact that three Geno-type Zoids (I don't remember if they were Geno Saurers or Geno Breakers) fired on the Berserk Fury and it managed to survive and destroy all three. Then later Bit in Liger Zero (just the plain Zero armor, too) managed to defeat the Berserk Fury /while/ it was firing its own CPC. So you'd think that the battle wouldn't have been nearly so difficult, because Bit has already defeated someone piloting a far superior Zoid. An Ultimate X, no less.

Oh well. I'm still enjoying myself.
ShadowligerV chapter 38 . 3/2/2006
hey great fic and just ta let ya know this fic i think has finally given me i deas about my first fic. so i thank you for writing it i hope you continue to write great fics like this and thanks for helping think of what my first fic will be so see ya later.
Luminarae chapter 34 . 7/25/2005

ZANE BIT'S BROTHER! He was jealous cause bit's parents didn't love zane as much as they loved Bit~! Good lord I'm good. xD

And the little rose-present thing between bit and leena was EXACTLY (right down to the words, but the names were diff) like in the movie Sailor Moon: Promise of the rose.
fireinu chapter 12 . 10/3/2004
I do like chapters that are filler wuns and a wile
Aseru chapter 38 . 7/11/2004
OK. great story, even if i did keep puttign it off, it was good. good, good, good. ok im done

Jaymes chapter 38 . 5/18/2004
I started reading your story this weekend after seeing it on the list of favourite authors of Theo (one of my favorite authors) and I greatly enjoyed it. You had a good mixture of romance, action and drama to make a very good story. And I am glad I am reading it now instead of when you were still writing cause I HATE cliffhangers! Oh and I have the honour of being the 400 reviwer...does that give me extra brownie points? NO? Oh well...and I also greatly enjoyed your poem..if you have any others and this one I would love to put them on my blog...if you do not mind . this blog is just a bunch of things I think of and any good phrases or poems or songs or subjects I find or think of. Well it was a pleasure and please email me if you would allow me to post any said material on the blog. Have a great day and continue writing!
Your new fan,
PS. It took me 31hr and 37 min to beat long did it take you?
Ratz-man and Bobin chapter 38 . 5/1/2004
That-was-an-AMAZING-STORY! How do you write such good stories? And I really wonder what Bit's past really is-that is,before he became a junk dealer. It took me an entire day to read this MAGNIFICENTLY, OUT GOING, SUPER CHARGED,STORY. Therefore I dub thee "The king/queen of all fanfic. zoid stories."
By the way, I go around giving reviews to good stories, so if you ever get reviewed by Batz-man and Bobin, it means your story is good.
LockeLink chapter 38 . 4/30/2004
Wow, that really was a great story, this might seem a little weird getting this review one year after you finished your story, but I know that you will appreciate it anyway. This really was a great story, I really don't know what else to say. Thank you for writing such a great story, I see that you have many more Zoid Fictions for me to devour, I have a long way to go. Seeya around, or should I say, Audi. (And before you even think it, no, I was not making fun of you.)
SulliMike23 chapter 38 . 4/15/2004
I comletely forgot to review this last chapter despite I read it a year ago.
This story is an epic, thrilling, suspence, and love story that has reached my heart very much. It was well-written, the characters had a good character development, and more importantly we learned someone's own opinion on Bit's past. If I had to choose what was in Bit's real past, I'd choose this story as reference. On a scale of one to ten, I give it a solid 10. It was just a brilliant story with a brilliant author.
If anyone can pull off a good story like this, it's you Kitai.
cap'nyossarian chapter 38 . 1/29/2004
that was really good... i wouldn't mind seeing a sequel, but it stands on it's own just fine.
kyli the hanyou chapter 38 . 11/27/2003
DAMN, this story is the BOMB. I say you make a sequel cuz this is hella sick. This story was just amazing. Truthfully there are no words to describe this story.
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