Reviews for The Universe Hates Me
MRPJfreak chapter 17 . 7/25
Oh my gosh I wish I had a friend like Iggy. You need to make a story of just Iggy being stupid. It would be amazing
hello chapter 31 . 7/14
im such a sap… i couldnt stop crying :')
Guest chapter 31 . 5/28
Ok let's get this out if the way first YOU MADE ME FEEL EMOTIONS! And that is a good thing I assure you even if it seems a bit weird I don't feel emotions unless it's some weird thing where someone I loved very much died the I feel the horable things but you made me feel... I think it's called happiness and excitement and anticapashion and sadness and anger and you made me giggle I DONT GIGGLE! We'll this Fanfuction is deffinety my all time favorite and it has to be one of my favorite storys to like right at second after the three way tie between Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, and Wings of Fire ( there book serise but I can't choose just one fav out of all of there books so I choose all of the book in the series and all three of those book serise) so I love your story and will problaly never get bord of reading it so thank you for writing this and finishing it. Oh and perks to you for makeing me feel emotions I'm like a hybrid af Max, Fang, and Iggy all in one so lots of weird stuff going on with me but I don't do emotions and if I got asked in a date/had a real relashionship ever/wore make up or a dress and heels the world would most likely end like two seconds after that so yeah... Anywho I love your story and will read it many many many times over again and I wouldn't have done anything differently if I could change anything. I love your story very much and I know the pains of Band camp and Marching band taking over your life so yeah another thing we have in common I play te clarantet don't think I spelled that right but I don't really care to much but back to the main topic I love your story so much and it made me laugh. I was reading this sitting on my couch with my family around me and I laughed then my family looked at me like I was crazy and guess what my mom got up and checked to see if I was sick. (Wasn't btw) then after looking at me waraly for a few seconds more they went back to there live soooo by making me feel emotions, laugh, giggle, and so much more stuff that I don't do this means it's a great story and I enjoyed so very much so much that I can discribe how much in love it so thank you for writing and finishing this I love it so much. And I'm doing a Nudge with the talking (typing?) and I'm more of a Fang when I talk so more perks to you we'll it is now midnight so I need to get to sleep well goodbye again love the entire story so much thanks for writing it and now good night and good bye. :P
jsup360 chapter 12 . 9/22/2018
omg this book thingy is so AMAZING and i just started it! pls do more zomg you tottally had m when fang canceled on max i was so mad at him butt it was lissa i hate her so much even in the real book she is a b**** if you catch my drift lol anyways, im alittle confuzzled how old id angel? is she really young or is she the same age as ella and max or wht? pls keep going witht the awessome writing even tho this book is complet… do other ones tho! im a huge fan anyways these chapters are nice and short. theyre not as hard as some of the other ones its nice (thats what she said XD) keep up the good work!
Dontcallmemaxi chapter 18 . 10/15/2017
OH MY GOD! I literally had a knee reaction when Sam came up and I felt like if I could I would of punched him and when that happened that was my train along with Fang being a Jack-Ass and Lissa being a slutty whore
imweirddontjudge chapter 5 . 9/19/2017
Guest chapter 17 . 8/14/2017
i love it
Angel Of Death00 chapter 31 . 2/16/2017
IGGY'S BAE chapter 17 . 2/9/2017
well Iggy is my bae, so... sorry(not sorry) nudge
Person5463 chapter 22 . 2/8/2017
Love your name. I play clarinet too and LOVE band . I sit second chair (right now). I was robbed but, its luck next time
Aly chapter 30 . 3/29/2016
I thought of that song the instant I read "...the father joking about the two of them, growing up and falling in love" in the 3rd person section :D. Glad to see it was on purpose ;)
Guest chapter 29 . 2/10/2016
So cool your such a cool writer I also write ff so if you read this then old give me some tips plssss
piningspaceboys chapter 29 . 2/1/2016
piningspaceboys chapter 28 . 2/1/2016
mr. howell
for dan howell?
piningspaceboys chapter 6 . 1/20/2016
YAY *happy dance*
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