Reviews for Release the sickle
Kpooper chapter 13 . 6/6
I was looking for a good Tema fic and coming across this piece was the best thing tht happened to me this year. I've been digging around Naruto's fanfic archives for years and I can't believe I missed this.

Temari's characterization and the recount of her past is really warming and brings on a load of tears with every chapter, especially with how she keeps being reeled back to the present from her memories. The combination is really just so angsty. And I love and angsty romance. Temari's a sexual being in a lot of romances out there and this had me hanging by the edge of my seat even without that. I think I love this fic even more exactly because of that.

With every chapter is the warning that the grammar might be faulty because English isn't your first language. Believe me, it isn't mine either. Even with your mentioning it I wasn't able to find anything really, or maybe the story was just so enrapturing that I forgot to look, but the story flows really well so I think that trumps over everything else. I just check the dates ad I'm sure you've improved loads since first publishing this.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this and I hope to see more of your works. I'm going to do a bit of digging around now.
kartaaaa chapter 1 . 5/2
This fic was beautiful. The way you describing the siblings, father-daughter relationship.
The flash of life when you’re having near death exp. The way Kakashi Temari and Pakkun interaction was all so beautiful.
This is so beautifully written that i couldn’t believe that English wasn’t your mother languange.
Thankyou for the fic
kartaaaa chapter 11 . 5/1
Gosh. i’m a die-hard Shikatema fan, it was so heart-wrenching heart breaking to read all those memories of Shika and the alternate universe part. Man, you did make me bawls my eyes out here.
kartaaaa chapter 7 . 5/1
Gosh, the paragraph when Rasa told her that the three sand siblings are the desert were pure gold. Amazing representation, Gaara as the Sand, Kankuro as the Sun and Temari as the Wind.
I’m getting addicted to this
miso-misi chapter 13 . 1/31
thank you for writing this
I cried through the whole story
it was an emotional read and I am glad that I read it
my face is all red from crying so much, but thanks again
this was awesome!
the end was beautiful :)
anonymouslyme chapter 13 . 9/3/2019
That was... beautiful.
I just read this entire thing. I've never seen a Kakashi and Temari pairing, and I'll admit that I was skeptical since in the show they hardly interact. That being said, you did an amazing job describing Temari's situation and feelings, especially as her condition got worse. I loved the interactions (especially the both of them reading the pervy book together) and the role each played in trying to save the other. It was really sweet. I never would have expected something like this to work, but it did. You did an amazing job pulling this off, and that ending was absolutely perfect. Thank you so much.
ComtesseAlanna chapter 13 . 9/3/2019
I always was hoping that you would finish this awesome (sometimes for me very teary ) story.
And now I'm sitting her reading the end with tears of joy in my eyes and lost for words to describe how happy (cause one more chapter to read)and sad (cause it is the end) I feel at the same time.
Thank you for your awesome story (stories)!
Thank you for the emotions you evoked in my while reading!
Thank you for he tears (and I mean it)!
Thank you for the joy!
Keep on writing!
To Mockingbird chapter 13 . 9/2/2019
Wow! I've been following this story for, oh... more than four years. This was more than lovely. I adored the premise, your characterization, and the last chapter was the perfect bookend. Thank you for writing this and sharing! This was a beautiful journey.
Guest chapter 13 . 9/2/2019
Loved it! Wish it went on a bit longer and showed them actually getting together. I think they make a great rarepair!
palmtreehead chapter 12 . 9/29/2018
Very interesting story, loved the way you wrote Temari as both tough and caring, and Kakashi as both perverted and moral. Thanks for sharing
babyfewd chapter 12 . 9/7/2017
omg :( she let go . I need them together
Arenea Nara chapter 12 . 9/1/2017
Oh estas es una de mis historias favoritas de Temari, es genial que la hayas actualizado. Me gusta mucho como se entremezclan las pequeñas historias del pasado. Me encanta el shikatema pero esta historia es muy buena sin tenerlo de foco, sino, solo como un acontecimiento que asi como empieza creo que divague mucho...quiero ver el desenlace :D
fluffpenguin chapter 12 . 8/31/2017
Really like the story and the writing. it does leave quite a big hole for questions as to why shikakamru got ino pregnant though. was it just a heat of the moment type thing or something else.

hope you update soon.
Saitofan chapter 12 . 8/31/2017
Please don't tell me she will be paired with Shikamaru? Anway, good chapter!
Jest chapter 12 . 8/31/2017
I know that sometimes inspiration comes and goes and it can be a while before ya get the notion again. But I am SO very thankful you put up a new chapter. I've got...2 stories that make me perk up this much when there are updates. :)
So very happy to see them get this far and can't wait to see how Kakashi and Temari handle (or more likely strategically ignore) the fundamental change in their relationship.
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