Reviews for Survivors
NorthernMage chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
This was really good! I have no idea how a fanfic like this has so few reviews! In my opinion, it should have a lot more, especially judging by the number of favourites it has.

Lol, the Master flirting in this...all I can think of is when just after coming back to life in Utopia, Jack immediately starts flirting with Martha. That's the only thing that can compare. Pretty funny, but Amy has a HUSBAND, Master. SHE. IS. MARRIED.

Wasn't expecting the Doctor/Master at the end. Bit unexpected, but it ended well.

Loved this!
Gallifreyan Phoenix chapter 1 . 7/8/2014
That was just fabulous! I lived your treatment of the whole thing. Well done!
r - r chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
OMG! This story is amazing, fantastic and wonderful.

I would so love to read a sequel - if you are willing to write one and have the inspiration to do so, that is.
Thewhovinator chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
This. Was Amazing. Absolutely brilliant and well written. Good Job :)
Kazaria chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
Hero of the Mind chapter 1 . 2/18/2012
Aw! So cute. I loved this!
Always a Bookworm chapter 1 . 3/20/2011
Wait... This story only has TWO reviews? What the hell! The DW fandom should be ashamed of themselves- how can such an amazing fic as this only have two reviews? Hmph. Anyway, I'll try and remedy that by giving you a long review! :)

Basically, this was AWESOME. And I mean that completely- I know this review is going to seem like one gushing compliment after another, but unfortunately I get like that when I really love something! xD- it was just... everything about this story was really excellent. I'm really glad you wrote Master/11 as it's quite rare to find that around here, and the cameos from the Ponds were continually fantastic. Your characterisation was perfect- especially of the Doctor and the Master, the most difficult characters to get right.

The plot itself was first class- I enjoyed the beginning with the Master doing his usual creepy thing, and then the whole quest to get back his body was really enjoyable. And the scene at the end was extremely moving and really heart warming. You have a very compelling writing style, and I just couldn't tear myself away!

Well done on this, I absolutely loved it- I do hope you might perhaps write a sequel, or more DW fics? If you do, count me as a loyal reviewer! Great work! :D

anemix chapter 1 . 1/26/2011
That was a great story. Sweet yet realistic, and I liked the ending. Do Time Lords really have to sleep so much though? (or are the various short time-frames to sleep fan created. Keep writing!


( . .)


Edzel2 chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
Wow! I absolutely love this! I really want to see Eleven meet SimmMaster and this really does fit the bill. The whole thing is great - brilliant plot (the scene with the Master using the coma patients to attract the Doctor's attention (a nice little nod to The Eleventh Hour - I love the idea of the Master being able to use people like that, creepy, and you one that he would do it, too) the whole thing about the drums reawakening the buried sadness about the Master - if there's one thing about TEOT and S5 which upset me it was the way that the Doctor seemed to completely forget about the Master, not even showing any sadness or indeed any reaction to the reveal of the origin of the drums - after all his earlier concern it just seems wrong. There should have been some reference made IMO.. Most of I love your Vulnerable!Master to bits. And when he tries to seduce Amy... classic! In short, I love this story. Will you be writing more with these characters? I hope so!