Reviews for A Simple Red Ribbon
kazune1988 chapter 1 . 9/15/2015
That is so cute. I'm suppose that's foreshadowing Phoenix and Miles did become a pair next Christmas and Nick is the lovely present with some unwrapping from Miles?
Focussight chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
This is very cute, and don't worry about it being too friendship-like; since I'm a pathetic dork (aka diehard fangirl XD) who looks for Phoenix/Miles hints in EVERY sentence she reads, the little smiles of affection are more than enough to make me go "awwww!"
Green-eyed Blue Cat chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
Wonderful, wonderful story! The flow was good, the characters spot on, and I enjoyed every minute about it!

I'd probably play a prank involving ribbons on April Fool's Day, thanks to your story ;)