Reviews for Taking the Blue Pill
sandysan2013 chapter 1 . 4/9/2018
I wondered what the problem was and thought it might be retcon when they mentioned where he had been found. This story is unique in focus and you've aptly described how his memories might have come back, helped long, I think, by an overly observant Captain in grey.
Gmariam chapter 1 . 7/1/2013
This was really good! It's one of those "What if?" stories that would have made a great episode if TW had ever done an episode like that. What if Ianto had been Retconned? I found it fascinating that he choose it, because I could see that, in that moment. Not sure if Jack would let him, but I can still see it. And it was pretty brutal at times. But I loved that he figured it out, that he remembered. There was a line in AofG/DD about how all of Torchwood One has low level psych training, so I would think of all the team, Ianto would be able to work past the effects of Retcon with something like this. Which is why I also find stories about Ianto remembering Adam really interesting as well. Anyway - great job, enjoyed it immensely! :)
lilsammywinchester chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
I think all i had to do was read the title Lol this was a nice take though Post-Liza )
Enarra chapter 1 . 10/29/2011
Trying to actually write reviews for things that deserve it. So here goes.

I really enjoy your writing. I think it has something to do with the cadence in my head.

And the concept of this particular story is both interesting and well executed, but it's really the flow of your writing that makes it exceptional, rather than just okay.

Anyway. Very impressed. Wish you had more to read, either in this fandom or others that I frequent.
Zarohk Korobase chapter 1 . 7/4/2011
Nice story! Given the time between episodes of Torchwood, and that we don't actually see Ianto put the Retcon down, (the only way we know he doesn't take it is that he is in the next episode) this story is not actually AU. Does it ever strike you as odd that the Retcon, which is equivalent to the blue pill, is actually red? I mean, the only reason I can think of for it to be red is because it looks like sudafed that way, but the blue would be a clearer reference and more easy to see. Nice idea, and thanks for a wonderfully characterized Ianto story that does not have Jack and Ianto ****ing like rabbits.
Mc Parrot chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
This story was recced on TW genrefinder over on LJ. I'm really glad I came for a look. that was a great take on how things might have happened. Really like Ianto's disconnection with the world - and that darn elbow in the wall worked really well as a stand in for all that was wrong with Ianto's world.

You're right, I think this is the first story I've seen where Ianto took the retcon.

I was pretty sure that is what had happened right from the beginning, but I wasn't sure where in canon we were until much nearer the end.
Nancy Brown chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
I liked this. :) I'm a sucker for amnesia stories, and I love the writing in this one, very real.
Maira the Panda chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
Very good... VERY good. I guessed he was Retconned about here: "The exact date, however, had escaped him, and he'd been genuinely shocked to look up and see the Millennium Center. Until that exact moment, he'd simply assumed he was in London." I went "Oh! Retcon!" :D Love it.
DarqueQueen7 chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
Figured it out the second I read the title. Because that is what Morpheus offers Neo - a way to forget. And I knew the man that got hit with the door had to be Jack - because he'd follow Ianto anywhere.

Great story - really liked it.

akawho chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
Loved it. I knew right off the bat that Ianto had been retconned, the reference to pills clued me in. I like that you used that quote from the Matrix, it was so fitting. I've often thought that retconning Ianto wouldn't have really worked unless they'd given him enough to cause brain damage. After all, it would have been impossible to eliminate all the triggers, like a news retrospective about what happened at Canary Wharf.
CoEDidn'tHappen chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
That was interesting. Yeah, I've not read a scenario like that before and I thought you did it well.

I definitely liked the part about accepting the inexplicable at Torchwood.

The title fits well and will catch the attention of everyone who's seen the Matrix but it also means, especially with the quote at the beginning, that everyone who's seen it will know from the start that he's been retconned.

But that's not really a bad thing to have a heads-up, so no worries.

Well done! )
bellykaat chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
That was beautifully written. And I could see why the sex was keeping itself out of this. Retcon? at "you hid yourself from us." The title helped make the connection.
DEETATARANT chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
CorgiFromSpace chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
Sooner, definately. I knew from the start that something was wrong, but it wasn't til the therapist's session that I knew, with the little 'you hid yourself from us' part, because I remember that line specifically from the episode.

I loved this. I think that the resolution of that episode wasn't the best, and then when Tosh read Ianto's mind just a little later, and there was all that pain - nothing was mentioned about it, Tosh didn't try to help or anything.

It annoys me, especially given what happened later.

