Reviews for One of those Moments
Boston Anonymous chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
I really enjoy your AU with Kendall and Logan. I always check my favorites for your story to see if you renewed these sequel one shots you have. I hope to see some soon! I know you mentioned more and a final chapter, and I will keep checking! Great stuff!
Adrianna Rhode chapter 3 . 8/5/2011
I bet you can totally guess what this is gonna say. Well, I'm gonna elaborate anyway. GREAT STORY! I loved 'Tighter' and this is the perfect follow-up. The ending, just like all of your endings, is so tender. They always wrap up so well.

I couldn't help but grin every time someone mentioned Logan's mother's name (Becky) since that's my nickname (my full name being Rebecca).
This Account Be Inactive chapter 3 . 5/25/2011
Loved this so much! BLP was one of my fave Kogan's ever so i love the moments :)
gleechild chapter 3 . 5/25/2011
Aw, Logan, so insecure to the very end! Maybe one day Kendall will convince him completely that there should be NO doubts, but until that day, I guess Kendall will just have to *prove* it to him... *eyebrow wiggle*. hehe

Seriously, it was fun (and tireing!) to reread the entire story to get back into this universe again. Well worth it though! I really do love how Kendall takes Logan outside of his comfort zone to experience new things and to live in the *now*, but I also love how Logan gets Kendall to take risks outside of HIS comfort zone too. They really are perfect for each other. :D

Love this!

- Sharon
OptimisticallyHeartbroken chapter 3 . 5/22/2011
god i just love this chapter much! I loved how insecure logan was. It was sooo cute. And the cliff diving was amazing! Brought back so many memories of when i went cliff diving in hawaii. Have u done it before? Cuz u definitely got the arms thing right.
Sunggi chapter 3 . 5/20/2011
This one was so sweet with funny conversations to cut all that corny honey :3, who cares to wait if the reward is as good as this.
milkteethbabydoll chapter 3 . 5/20/2011
Logan is ridiculous. How could he think Kendall would ever stop loving him? Eee, such a sweet chapter. Definitely worth the wait.
child who is cool chapter 3 . 5/20/2011
sweet chapter
rainy dayz and silver dreams chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
Love this fic...all your fics are soo good and I enjoy reading them. :)
OptimisticallyHeartbroken chapter 2 . 2/19/2011
oh jeez, i would be nervous too logan haha, ur not the only one.

awwww logans parents are soo nice to him! yay for approved kogan!

and that walk was cute. i love that logan feels more in the zone there. its relatable :)

aww no sexy time for kendall hahaha.

that talk between the parents and kendall was errifying to me. if i were in that situation i'd probably die...good job kendall!

great chapter!
child who is cool chapter 2 . 2/17/2011
great chapter
This Account Be Inactive chapter 2 . 2/17/2011
i thought i reviewed this when the first chapter came out but aparently i didnt, oopsies.

anyway i loved the first was amazing, so sexy yet sweet, i loved it.

the second chapter was also very good. hehe..i loved Logan's dad threatening Kendall with a gun :)

i just love their whole couple interaction coz they only got together at the end if the best laid plans..its nice to see them when they're actually together.

say, could i make a little request? could you possibly do a chapter of their first time together..pretty please? *bats eyelids*
Music4ever1617 chapter 2 . 2/17/2011
awww how cute. Kendall is very protective over Logan, it's adorable. :) I love these little one shots. :)
Innomis chapter 2 . 2/17/2011
Loved it. Logan's parents were really sweet. And the whole treatening Kendall act was perfect.

Keep writing these awesome stories!
milkteethbabydoll chapter 2 . 2/16/2011
No need for apologies, my love. You can't rush perfection, after-all. ;)

"It's not rape if you enjoy it." HA! I love that. I can't believe Jerry threatened to shoot Kendall! XD Actually, no. I can. Both my parents have threatened to shoot my guy friends (that's right, any guy that gets close to me gets the talk, not just boyfriends). The worst part is I think they'd actually go through with it... o.o
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