Reviews for Clumsy
Tawnia chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
Such an adorable story :3 The only correction you might want to make is in the sentence “...Night Crawler cricketing in hunger.” I thought they were Night Guiders? o.O Unless that's an alternative name for the creatures.
KayDee-DesignerExtraordinare chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
Aww! You gotta love Dreville fluff. This was incredibly sweet and adorable and amzing an everything! You're a great writer. Holla!

Memeal chapter 1 . 8/6/2011
What an adorable story. I really like the creature you created as well as the dream like quality you lent to your writing style - as if nothing were clear enough to your main character, therefore you needn't be overly clear as well. Wish I had that kind of control! :)

Very nice story and so very fun to read! Thank you for sharing it.
Ottawa Pagan chapter 1 . 5/7/2011
neat story - liked the side story about Harry and Theo, and that you still primarily focused on Neville and Draco.
In a Pickle chapter 1 . 4/18/2011
Firstly you deserve a round of applause for your user name. brilliant. If only I had thought of it first ;P

Now as for you fic, what a wonderfully crafted tale. I enjoyed the way the story slowly moulded together. Normally I avoid this length (word wise) of fic because it is pure smut. Don’t get me wrong smut is great but if there is not story, no plot what is the point? Your fic however has a story. It makes me so happy, you honestly have no idea. I loved the fact Draco instantly bonded with Clumsy. Even the toughest bloke stuggles to say no to their little dog/cat- whatever the case may be. There is a sweetness there that just melted my heart. I like the way you wrote this, the fact the other characters could see Draco slipping even if he couldn’t himself. The way slowly he began healing with the help of Neville. It was all down right so adorable I had to leave a review. Beautiful story. Loved it to pieces.
Silvanesti chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
Sweet, but I didn't quite understand the meaning of the dreams and amnesia. I liked the Night Guiders. A sequel would be nice.
He-Who-Must-Be-Read chapter 1 . 2/5/2011
It's so cute! I only recently came across this coupling and I'm liking it more by the minute XD They seem so perfect for each other
Blue Zephyr Dragon chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
Tis good. I liked it. Will there be a sequel? Clumsy was vert cute, wish I had a pet like that. Well done. Thank you