Reviews for Burnt
Doomsdayguy12345 chapter 6 . 6/24/2016
*Clapping* Fuck yeah! Loving this sappy romance shit, please do more!
Doomsdayguy12345 chapter 5 . 6/24/2016
Awwww, you're bringing the feels up.
15stitches chapter 6 . 7/5/2012
Completely fell in love with this story! Added to favorites, well done! I've read this before, but I had to read it again :D
Ashley chapter 6 . 4/7/2012
Oh...My...God. You are amazing! I love you!
Kita On'nanoko Laurant chapter 6 . 2/28/2012
This is very well written! Thanks for posting it!
paladindanse chapter 6 . 10/24/2011

Marskatr chapter 6 . 9/30/2011
Squeeeee~! _ Happy ending! And no smut! Oh, I'll admit it: I love it. But then, I love a lot of stories. But this was all so miserable for the whole thing, and then you made happy fluff-ish-ness and Benny getting punched in the end! *glee* Twenty stars. Out of five. (Shh, I can be a moron in the face of fluff. Go with the floooow. _)
Marskatr chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
Whoa. Reminds me of another fic I read a couple days ago, same sort of scenario ('cept Boone was having fever-induced hallucinations, so there was smut. I had to skip over it, smut embarasses me...). Well, this was epic writing. I'm glad it was a series of oneshots, rather than just this one. Whoo! :D
NikiPanda chapter 6 . 6/16/2011
That was simply amazing. I loved it. The way you wrote them - in character - was perfect. I only wish there was more to read. ):
TheWolfsQueen chapter 6 . 6/14/2011
Wow! Loved it!
Loving-Chakra chapter 6 . 4/24/2011
Perfect ending
Woman of Rohan chapter 6 . 4/3/2011
What a lovely (and fulfilling) ending to this awesome couple's romance. I was rooting for them all the way and I was so elated as I read this chapter! I loved Benny's cameo, and how it was a bit of jealousy that finally drove Boone to admitting his love for Lucy. I laughed when he punched him in the face. I also enjoyed the continued metaphor of the chip that Boone gave to her, and of course their confession of love in the elavator was beautiful.

I don't think a whole lot of people could portray a Boone and Courier romance realistically, but yours was so well-written and quite plausible. I must applaud you on this feat again. I'm going to miss reading about this couple but I truly enjoyed every bit of this fic. It's been a treat! :)
FairCritic chapter 6 . 3/18/2011
So awesome! I've always thought of Boone as the sweet quiet type, and yours fits that wonderfully. Please keep writing!
Sevroy chapter 6 . 3/16/2011
Excellent story! Very nice. Liked the ending.
Banananator chapter 6 . 3/11/2011
That was wonderful! Great job!
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