Reviews for A Winter Walk
FlashFiction chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
Very nicely done! I've always thought that Poppy and Minerva would be good friends! I also love how you've tied in all the other characters as well. Really cool! :)
CallistaEvans chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
Hi Alcina,

it is fun, to let Minerva and Poppy have those walk through the snow (with me sitting in the warm and knowing our snow melted :D).

You got me with the Longbottom boy, I first thought, it was Neville ;) Frank seems to be a bit different from his son *gg* There were another pair of twins like Fred and George? Poor teachers! ;)

Traditions play a big part in the magic world, not only to Albus. I like it, those 'girls' hold on to it.

H&K an many greetings

Slytherin66 chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
A good story I like Poppy but so little is ever done or said with her and any time Minerva is less stoic is always good.
Chemistress chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
It is amazing how well some stories work with not much happening at all :-).

The atmosphere of this winter walk really draws the reader in, I feel right at home in your story so to speak. And I certainly know the feeling of finding oneself talk about something one did not really want to waste time on, just because it is the "easiest option".

I love Poppy's /"Well, I stayed because you stayed. I don't care much for being all alone on the holidays."/ and the resulting "heavy innuendo"...