Reviews for Packing
Elliesmeow chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
I think you did a good job of getting everyone's feelings into the fic without drowning us in their grief. Excellent use of brevity.:)

I thought it was interesting that you touched on Nina feeling guilty. Her perspective on Annie's departure is rarely presented at all.

And of course as a Mitchell/Annie shipper I feel really sorry for our vamp. He doesn't have someone to comfort him through this loss as George does, and I think the friendship between him and Annie was unique in that it offered him a sense of constancy and an anchor in life.

Annie might have been dead for the length of their entire relationship, but she was always very vibrant. I think it made Mitchell feel alive.

I hope you will write more. But if not then thanks for posting this one.:)

Wishes and Words and Etcetera chapter 1 . 1/8/2011
I buckled, and read your story. There's no way Icould have waited until I actually watched enough being human to understand properly. So now I'm sitting in my room, slightly heartbroken, wondering what could have happened to Annie. She was so awesome! And now I'm emo and need to watch more TV. Clearly.

You write like a butterfly, all bright, moving so lightly it's like your words just sort of happened. That was a terrible analogy. But, I'm sleep deprived and always crazy, so I hope you'll forgive me.

Love you mucho :)

Can't wait until we have our own apartment. Then you can be my Jedi master and teach me the ways of your British television shows.

TheSingingGirl chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Very powerful. I loved this piece for its simplicity and its quiet dignity. I don't think you need worry overmuch about a beta.