Reviews for A New Life
miraimisu chapter 10 . 3/14/2016
So hi there! I wanted to drop a review here and then mind my own business.

I liked your story quite a lot, being plain honest. It's always welcome to read some drama in this fandom. So yeah, that was nice! I always wondered if Gretel/Anita would go with Ivan to town if she had the oportunity. So good job on that! It was a good thing to write. Pat yourself on the back.

If I had to point out something that bothered me, it would be Ivan's behavior. I saw him pretty OOC if you ask me. Ivan doesn't seem to snap that easily. But no need to dwell on that – I kinda overlooked that because I truly enjoyed the story.

Y yo también soy española. Don Quijote es UNA TORTURA. Por cierto, tienes buena gramática inglesa, muy bien escrito todo. Aplausos para tí.

Gracias por escribir esto. Con lof, yo.
PennyGuin chapter 10 . 6/25/2014
Too bad we can't have a pretty dress in the grand bazaar... This is amazing
RuruPuppy2854 chapter 4 . 9/7/2012
Poor Gretel. I bet she would feel even more sad if she knew she loved Ivan. I would be like that too. I wish I could go in there and comfort her.
V2E4 chapter 10 . 5/10/2012

Very nice :3 !

Is cute.
KlaineMarriage chapter 3 . 12/22/2011
It was VERY SWEET! i loved it! :) 3
Scatty chapter 10 . 11/8/2011
kyaaa~~ this story made me squee! so cute! keep updating!
Scatty chapter 3 . 11/8/2011
ahhhh 333 so much cuteness!
Sokaden chapter 8 . 7/13/2011
Your fanfic captivated me throughout the afternoon!

I couldn't help but read all the chapters in one go :'D

During the first chapters I was thinking : "Oh my god! Ivan you act almost like a sort of stalker." Hm... anyway it's so cute haha

I really liked your idea of the stone of happiness. I thought it was a great way to illustrate Ivan's pursuit of happiness.

The chapters 6 and 7 were really interesting. Ivan has been slapped by the painful truth with such violently. Yeah, Freya's words were so harsh... I was so hurt for him.

And the chapter 6 was truly awesome. The way you showed the despair of Gretel when she loses the person she loves was... amazing! This moment was full of powerful emotions that you have managed well. We might almost cry with them ;w;

Funny fact... as I'm writing this review (it's my first by the way, you deserve it after all xD) I'm listening to "Because I'm Stupid" by SS501. Coincidentally, it fits perfectly with the sentiments which Ivan had felt for Freya.

Oh and I'm so glad that Ivan and Gretel are finally get married~ w They're just way too sweet together

All that to tell you that I love what you do, you've very good ideas. Good luck for the next chapter I'm really looking forward to read it!
icestorm003 chapter 10 . 5/6/2011
I LOVE this story, please update soon. D
Nocturnal-Panda chapter 10 . 3/27/2011
Awww they're officially married~! Short chapters are fine, I have a really short attention span when it comes to reading hahaha

Cute chapter
tufted titmouse chapter 10 . 3/27/2011
Loved the wedding chapter!
KitKatKassity chapter 9 . 3/20/2011

super cute story :)

I noticed in the first few chapters there was the use of the wrong word, but I didn't see any in the one I just read :D

it was SO cute, im a huge Ivan fan :3

Update soon please!
Nocturnal-Panda chapter 9 . 3/16/2011
Hahah yeah.

Such a cute chapter~! Lovey-doveyness is in the air people! :D

I can't wait for the wedding chap, *sqeal* AH! They're so cute together x3

Woo sherry and 'lloydie' are together! Sherry as a wedding planner? Oh xD

alright, didn't see any errors, nice job.

DragonFire Princess chapter 9 . 3/16/2011
Love the story. Hope you'll update the story... ASAP!
animea-aholic chapter 9 . 3/16/2011
Okie, this wil be my favourite chappie form now on. I..just know it. It was soo cute.. So sweet, my teeth nearly rotted (if thats a wordXD) away. I absolutly loved. Very good written and i loved how van proposed. himXD please keep up the good work. Ur an artist!
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