Reviews for Prove It
castle2126 chapter 1 . 1/29
Ok. So the conclusion of your stupid story what are the insecurities of Beckett is: that only Castle had to prove himself that he is not a Playboy, he can be trusted in relationship with Beckett that they can build something on, Castle has to prove that he will not just think of her notch on bedpost. So what about Beckett's side of fault I am a relationship needs two to work right or you stupid thinking think that Beckett's effort is good enough because I didn't see her efforts anywhere in this story or Canon. What about her controlling behavior? What about situation where she always wants things to be in her preferable manner because everything in this story about how Beckett feel? But what about Castle feels regarding Beckett's failed relationship? What only focus on his failed marriage? Why didn't ever Beckett questions that why his Marriage failed? Because no human will ever comes in front from himself and tell you that why his Marriage didn't work unless you're interested and you ask him because you are interested in having a good relationship with him? What about Beckett's one foot out the door strategy? Because all her relationship failed because she was never fully invested in them, Castle did but Meredith was a cheater, Gina was professionally controlling for his writing and she only wanted Rick Castle the author all the time. But what about Beckett? She even had one foot about the door relationship with Castle in Canon in season 5, when Meredith fuelled her about Rick being closed off and that's why their relationship failed, why not have Beckett ask him? Why not open up about why she doesn't celebrate Christmas and her traditional in first attempt, Castle comes poking her then she answered that her traditions were important to her and just because she is in relationship doesn't mean she had to give up her traditions. What kind of bullshit is that why should they spent Christmas apart unless Beckett makes it clear that she is not going to break up her traditions. Why lie about her job offer when few weeks before Castle stood up with her on bomb till last dying seconds, doesn't that count as his commitment. She had never said to him that she loves him and it's been two years since he first had said to her that he loves her.
So this story is bullshit and all about Beckett hypocracy and insecurities not about having a equal involvement and investing themselves in responsibility.
The-KLF chapter 6 . 2/11/2017
What a sweet follow up! I really enjoyed it.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/21/2014
I'm hoping that your going to have Kate realize that she needs to make more of an effort to
Guest chapter 3 . 11/21/2014
Well written but I don't know if I like the tone of this story, it seems like yet another story where Castle has to jump through hoops just to win Beckett's approval.
BigKahuna chapter 6 . 3/30/2014
Did like this story. Enjoyed their dialog and the picture you painted of what was going through their heads. Thanks
honeyandvodka chapter 6 . 8/30/2013
Read through this and 3 sizes over the last few days. Lovely. :)
GT500RonSmith chapter 6 . 5/8/2013
This was really nice!
GT500RonSmith chapter 4 . 5/8/2013
This chapter was precious! So lovely!
KelticRogue chapter 6 . 11/12/2012
Loved the story and the conclusion, though like all Caskett fans we know this is only the beginning of another chapter in the story of Rick and Kate's life together ... They are both "All In" with their relationship.
SiempreSueno chapter 6 . 6/30/2012
jetteblack chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
nice one martha :)
Natalie Elizabeth chapter 6 . 7/31/2011
Wow loved it. The story so totally needed this sequel
Longstocking61 chapter 6 . 7/13/2011
And THANKYOU! I really love your writing and the stories that you tell. You are one of my favourite authors on fanfiction because i feel you really capture the truth of these characters, and when i read your work, it's them i hear, and them i feel! Keep up the good work! I love it.:D
DLillith21 chapter 6 . 7/12/2011
I just found Three Sizes, and then this sequel when I was going to vote for another story in another category for the Castle Fan Fiction awards. I loved them both. I like how you built them up slowly and surely and brought them together in a way that was true to who they both are. Thanks for taking the time to write.
bonesftw993 chapter 6 . 6/15/2011
Nawwww :)

Love love love heehee

Can't wait for the not sequal

You're an awesome writer

Thanks for the fun

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