Reviews for Big Time Supernatural Lives
FuzzyVampireNinjaTeddyBear chapter 44 . 8/24/2012
I loved this story! This chapter was sappy and the whole time I was thinking where's Hope and Aiden? But I love the story!
Mini Maslow chapter 34 . 1/22/2012
Sorry I didn't log in I'm on my IPod! Anyways, let's see what happens!
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 31 . 12/10/2011 Daniel starts abusing riley after all...and of course Zander comes home only to find that his old friend is the culprit. you're really good at mindfing people, sweetheart.
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 30 . 12/10/2011
damn this Zander is one smooth SOB. his friend's cool, but that redhead he's talking about...does he mean Riley?
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 29 . 12/10/2011
wow. so Zander's a carrier of the same virus that techincally almost killed James. this is getting interesting.
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 28 . 12/10/2011 that's how Zander meets the guy the sires James in the first chapter.
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 27 . 12/10/2011
wow...kills her during sex, atypical vampire behavior. but how the hewll deosn't he get caught? oh wait, it's a story.
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 26 . 12/10/2011
kills his parents right off the bat? and then tries to hook up after living on his own? dude is screwed up big time.
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 25 . 12/10/2011
this is really different compared to your old writing stlye. i like it.
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 32 . 12/10/2011
that's a really good song. this makes more sense after you'd been wondering just why Daniel kept stalking her before James changes her into a vampire a such.
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 24 . 12/10/2011
Breaking Dane much? her thoughts after she blacked up just seems like Bella's when she's transforming...but the whole chapter was written well, detailwise anyways.
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 23 . 12/10/2011
and of course her cravings for sweets start to kick in. so what does he do? punishes her by having sex when her. Talk about re-inforcing bad behavoir. wouldn't that be rewarding it?
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 22 . 12/10/2011
Riley is seriously thinking about drinking when she's pregnant? where's Logan to lecture her when you need him?
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 21 . 12/10/2011
Of course James faints. typical. I think I've actaully heard about that diamond before. They say it's cursed, right? that like everyone associated with it dies or something...
James Isaac Diamond33 chapter 20 . 12/10/2011
Then their lips meet. It's more everything...more sensual, now that his baby is within her, more meaningful, that she knows he won't give her up without a fight...- that's the best line in the chapter. i love how she's hinting she might faint during the ultrasound. but she's nervous, i don't blame her.
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