Reviews for Living at a Dorm with Zidane Tribal!
chibivalonlover92 chapter 1 . 1/24/2006
ahh dont listen 2 everyone i think ur fic kicks butt! its funny! write more!

random girl chapter 1 . 12/17/2003
this is so cool, rotflmao
but can you fix the type? it's all messed up, makes it harder to read,...
I LOVE ZIDANE chapter 5 . 2/6/2003
r u gonna write more caues that was really funny!

Yami Sakuma chapter 5 . 7/25/2002
Guys, I know how it feels to get flames... Zidanezgirl here mentioned MANY times this isn't like the real game. Okay, so you didn't like the fic. It happens. But you're not FORCED to review it! If you wanna flame, you should more tell her how she could improve than 'You suck ahhahahaha!'

Anyways, funny fic!
Author of the story chapter 1 . 7/14/2002
SephKid chapter 4 . 7/13/2002
You have to continue this! _ It's so good, and you portray Zidane really well... so well, he even sounded like a guy! lol I know it sounds weird... but you know how sick guys can be. PLEASE MAKE SOME NEW CHAPTERS! Oh, and keep up the good work! GAMBATTE!
doolah chapter 1 . 6/13/2002
A little? A LITTLE? *Sigh* Get this off. I usually compliment too but this...No. And I wonder...Is the author also all these people popping up and backing her up? *X-Files music plays* I had a change of heart. Artist is right. Go to your english classes and while you're at it play FF9 a few times to remind yourself how Zidane REALLY is.
Windasa Almsay chapter 5 . 6/12/2002
Hey that made me parts i skipped cuz they were stupid...sorry, but ZIdane was a LITTLE anyway, i wanna see what happens next...!
doolah chapter 5 . 5/10/2002
I agree with Lady Artist, although her review was a little...nasty. However, this is rather offending, and doesn't show much effort. Sure, it's a humour, but that doesn't exclude you from your duties as an author to CHECK IT OVER! And are you homophobic? Seriously, I hate homophobes with a passion. Oh well, good bye.
author of this story chapter 1 . 5/7/2002
er...the chick that reviewed right under meh ...i wasnt expecting...that

*cough* anywho...
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2002
lady_artist, u suck! it's called a fic for a REASON, (DUH) and if u dont like what she writes, dont read it. What I say is, keep your opinions to yourself cuz they suck and now you got a few stalkers plotting on your life now (so it seems) so maybe u shouldnt review nemore IF U VALUE YOUR LIFE (jk)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2002
lady_artist, u suck! it's called a fic for a REASON, (DUH) and if u dont like what she writes, dont read it. What I say is, keep your opinions to yourself cuz they suck and now you got a few stalkers plotting on your life now (so it seems) so maybe u shouldnt review nemore IF U VALUE YOUR LIFE (jk)
Zidanezgrl chapter 2 . 4/26/2002
Okay, people have been having troubles with this fic I wrote, so I am just gonna clear this up. It is a FICTIONAL ( false) story. It was just a joke I wrote for my friends after hearing a dream that she had. So, I know Zidane is not like this in the game. I made him like this on purpose, for later chapters. So, it's based on a Sony Playstation Game, with walking pollygon people, who dont even exist! SO, just chill. If you dont like it, I'm sorry...but dont go telling me to take it off, okay? I already wrote all the chapters, and for fun I put this on Fanfiction. I didnt know people would be offended, I guess you could say. Okay. Thats all for now! _
the Sly Eagle chapter 5 . 4/25/2002
Well, I was hoping it would get better, so I read the rest.

I have a real problem with this fic. I think it's the title. "Living in a Dorm with Zidane Tribal" you call this. False advertising, if you ask me, because Zidane Tribal is not in this fic. Who is this guy that you call Zidane? I hope it's not someone that you actually know. The guy known as Zidane Tribal is looking for something special in girls: a place to call home. The real reason he flirts is that he wants a significant other, and wants to be devoted to that other. And as a person without a home, he is totally concerned with the wellfare of others. This self-absorbed sex-freak that you have in this story doesn't even resemble that character.

I don't think there is any good excuse to do this to the FF9 fandom, so I'm going to ask you to either clean-up, or take this ...story... elsewhere.
Zidanezgrl chapter 1 . 4/22/2002
HEY...I know I havent been updating...I have all the chapters up...but...( HEll! I have over 100 pages...X_X) my word program thingie-majig aint workin, so I cant get to it!
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