Reviews for Fallout: Hope from Beyond the Stars
Commander 117 chapter 7 . 7/2
Hey man, awesome chapter. An awesome story. And here's an idea. How 'bout you throw Cortana into the? Romance with chief. And here's how. You never went into detail on the little upgrades that Cortana received. A hard light mode. Allows Cortana sort of solid state. Sort of gift from Doctor Halsey. And if you think this is a little far fetched, doctor Halsey created the Spartans. Enough said. But in the end, it's your choice. And I hope you update soon 'cause I really want to see what happens next. Lovely this little idea. What Cortana helps you out.
ikusatsunagi chapter 7 . 3/10
will you continue?
Luis Martinez2 chapter 1 . 1/3
really? a black red haired women is the lone wondered

alright ima head out
BigBadAud666 chapter 7 . 12/13/2019
My dude are you story? Plz don’t I actually like it
Bluzerker chapter 7 . 6/29/2019
I know that freedom has long passed, but can help it but see how obvious the author is forcing Cortana to just pop out to just random strangers. It’s a bit OOC if you asked me.
SIRROUGE chapter 7 . 6/11/2019
Really good
B.J. Blazkowicz chapter 1 . 4/2/2019
Listen people, you need to know. Freedom guard will never update this story, nor any of his others. He passed away some years ago and thus all his stories are officially dead. Stop asking him for updates. A dead man cannot write.
Guy below me chapter 7 . 11/30/2018
Stfu fool
pwtcmcneil chapter 1 . 9/10/2018
person below me, just because he went through it, and accepted it as a necessary evil doesn't mean he agreed with the idea on a moral level
got to be joking chapter 5 . 6/3/2018
Ok first off. Halseys test for spartan were way off more Dangerous. A huge fraction of the kids kidnapped for the program died to training or the surgery. For Chief easily getting angry from this is like calling the kettle black
jeanymarie99 chapter 1 . 5/20/2018
I believe the correction crossover is UNSC meets Fallout Universe in case you haven't noticed.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/24/2018
Why do people say this is bad... This is great :D I think though you should have cortana use some builder sentinels to make a new ship in order to provide help for the wasteland... Like a spirt of fire ship where it can deploy bases fast... You would tell the builders to go to a short planit and make them mine and start building the ship... Since there is a lot of them it would take about 3 months to do... And a dum ai could control it but follow johns and cortana a order... And That would be amazing to see the shocked faces of the waste land
Please don't stop this story... People are dicks... It has nothing to do with your wrighting they are jellus because they can't write... So never give up... Also make John super op the armor does not increase strength... He is just that strong... Also since he can lift a mammoth in halo 4 and 3 he was not using his full power. It is stated that he did not use his full power :) keep it up man. Come back
Aka Arbiter chapter 7 . 11/17/2017
Hmmm wow (this guy should do more) I wonder what would the demon say if I showed him
Alpha701 chapter 7 . 5/11/2017
Tha was NOT the White House. That was the Capital Building. The White House was blown up. Just letting you know.
Blackout10160 chapter 7 . 4/23/2017
I really hope that one day, someone will adopt this wonderful fan fic and finish it for Freedom Guard as well for all that those who enjoyed his work.
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