Reviews for Informed Consent
Guest chapter 32 . 6/14/2017
I hope you do continue with your stories and perhaps sequels too? :D
Additionally, if possible, I hope you also write 9/11/12/Martha as well. There's too much of a dearth in Martha stories and you are THE best writer out here; especially for Martha and this fandom.
AzTec999 chapter 32 . 2/28/2016
And your fic made me realized the true potential of eleven/martha ship. For real. There's romance/angst/humor/drama/adventure all rolkes into. Amy and Rory were also good and this. Especially Rory who is willing to still help the doctor even if he has issues with him. Haha. And a sequel is a must you know? Or I'm the one who's just imagining it? Between 12/martha I mean. Great job! Thanks for writing! :)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
Please please please don't take this down, if you ever think of it in the future. Martha and the Doctor fics are so hard to come by. GOOD ones like yours are rare.
I love it!
tadah2 chapter 32 . 5/8/2015
Very good! Tyvm.
Secrets4theunderground chapter 32 . 5/21/2014
I have to say I did love this story. I hated how it needed with River (because I love her. But I get why it needed to be done). In my head this is canon now, so thanks for that. I would love to see more. A sequel if possible.

So glad you wrote this.
picric drea chapter 17 . 3/1/2014
OK, so I know that this story is long since done, but I simply had to comment on how much I enjoyed this chapter. The mere mention of Loki captures my heart and attention, and when you combine it with the Doctor and Martha, I am completely hooked. I can't wait to read the rest of the story now!
deweydell25 chapter 32 . 8/18/2013
Oh I so LOVED this story! I would love to see a sequel where we get to see more of that adorable dragon and Martha/ 11 's kids. You are a very creative and talented writer, thank you for this wonderful story. I love it when Martha gets her happy ending.
Emmex chapter 32 . 4/18/2013
This is my favorite Martha/11 story. The part where they were stuck on the planet whose name escapes me at this moment drug (dragged?) near the end in my opinion, but this was more than made up for by the last three chapters or so. I thought that the appearance of 12 was, to quote the one in the leather jacket, fantastic and quite well written. I thought the more M-ish scenes were written in a manner that made it as tasteful as could be expected and relevant to the plot, which was nice. Also, because I absolutely adore the 11/Martha pairing and there is a grand total of about four stories featuring them if you still have any flicker of an idea in your mind of writing a sequel I implore you to strongly consider it. Thank you for sharing your story with me.
dizzy78 chapter 32 . 2/14/2013
I love 10/Martha, but there is something about 11/Martha that is just as appealling.
Can't wait for the sequel
Guest chapter 4 . 2/1/2013
hostel not hostile...
Guest chapter 24 . 12/21/2012
who ever you are you are one brilliant writer and you should so publish a book
Maribor chapter 32 . 9/15/2012
I know its been awhile since you touched this story, perhaps even awhile since you logged onto to . But let me put in my vote for you writing a sequel to this. I adored this story! I absolutely loved it. I would love to see more. In fact every time I think about writing an 11/Martha story I remember yours and say to myself; "It's already been done!" I just wanted to say how much I loved this and really, job well done.
Madd Madds chapter 32 . 6/18/2012
absolutely loved it! You are a very talented writer.
m chapter 32 . 5/13/2012
i was sad about ginger doctor for some reason...also there are 13 faces in total apparently so you get one more
Jabberwocky92 chapter 32 . 3/10/2012
I woke up at three am, and decided to try and find a nice DW story to keep myself occupied while my nightmare subsided. I found this one by chance and something nagged me to open it and read it, I've never been a big fan of Martha, but something just called to me in this story.

I was up reading it till seven am, and only stopped because my iPod died and I was hungry. This story is the most amazing story I have ever read and I have fallen completely in love with the universe that you have portrayed.

Your story has left me lost for words as to how to describe it, but all I can say is; Bloody brilliant mate, bloody brilliant! -hands koala cookie-
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