Reviews for Desires
Guest chapter 19 . 2/7/2018
sad that there has been no update for a good while and really sad that even thought the main couples are BOTH soriku and roxel. Only Roxel is geting POV. Nothing againsy rixek but if a summary shows both couples as MAIN it would be nice to see story deleovment with the other couple too. not just as background support for the other couple.
Agsdjkasdhjkasf chapter 1 . 12/18/2011
Oh My GOOOOOD! YOU LEFT DA! ALL THE AKUROKU IS DISAPPEARING! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FOUND THIS FIC! i was srsl beginning to lose my mind! WTF what's happening in DA! God i love you so much for posting this here!

Now that all that's out of the way, this is the best fic EVER the only akuroku that literally grabbed me off my chair and into the story! It's amazing and you have no idea how happy i am for finding it! I'm tracking down all my favourite lost art!
this-account-'s-very-dead chapter 19 . 6/24/2011
oh i'm so glad that Roxas father is koolies... i just wish his mother was koolies.

anyways... the ending tipped me out... i wonder what she want... oh hohohohoh i can't wait for the next chapter.
Kiddiluna chapter 18 . 6/19/2011
R u gong to finish this story I know you must be vry bus with other stories but can you please coninue this story it is gettig really good and i want to nw if iwas roxas's mom or dad that walked in on them i really think that it is his dad because is hs mum ha a role to interfe but most likely youchoose roxas dad in the next chapter to guess who ccame in the room but i don't think hi mom would have made such a dramatic interance. Wait can i ask a qustion is cloudrelated to roxas and sora in anyway cuz yo can add so more juicy detail about him beng there bro and his parents kicked im out since he was gay and when they fiure out that there is no hope for them to change thier other two chidren they kick them out OR youcan hav who ever it is ho caught them kick axel out and have him aressted then the would try to move but the axel get out to rsh to go seeroxas before he moves and also riku is the one that told him so they both rush off to save thier lover.
Aisubara chapter 18 . 4/8/2011
Omg cliffy ending is cliffy! Update soon . Axel is going to in trouble for stagatory rape now isn't he? TT poor Axel he just wants his Roxy :'( love this story! Keep it up 3
fragottini chapter 18 . 4/6/2011
OH, MAAAA~~~~NNNNN! I REALLY LOVE THIS FIC! IT DESERVES AND NEEDS MORE REVIEWS! THIS FIC IS REALLY AWESOME! FROM THE BEGINNING UP TILL NOW! Ooopsss... Sorry for Caps locking *bashes caps lock then sweatdrops*... I really loved the LEMON! But I guess good thing's have to end so soon, huh? Especially with a cockblocking, homophobic parents of Sora and Roxas~! Man! I really hate Roxas' mother!

And Axel really does love Roxas so much! With all of these Detention, what's worse he got into jail for trespassing! :O Man, Axel, I admire you and your loyalty and love! xD! And I know that even though no matter how Axel and Roxas may be pried apart from each other, it only encourages Axel to see Roxas more~! :D I can't wait for the update! And you know, I was like: "Wow... Thing's are running smoothly... Well, that can't be right! This has gotta be a trick or something! I know how of a bitch Roxas and Sora's mother is!"... And then, when I was reading the lemon part already, I was like.."Hey, I was wrong..." And then, when I got to the end of the chapter..."Damn. I WAS RIGHT!" :(... I really hope ya update soon! :D
this-account-'s-very-dead chapter 18 . 4/5/2011
oh noes!
Roxy-KunXIII chapter 18 . 4/4/2011
AMG! D8 [The lemon was awesome. w] I wasn't expecting that! D: Great chapter, though, keep up the good work. ;w;
this-account-'s-very-dead chapter 16 . 2/16/2011
i love this so far. hate roxas mother but oh well...
Gxmwp-Arisa chapter 8 . 2/13/2011
What was up with riku?
once-upon-a-dream012 chapter 16 . 2/13/2011
Damn was not expecting that :o so good
Melodious Echo Of Oblivion chapter 16 . 2/13/2011
I. LOVE. THIS. :'D I'm surprised not many people have reviewed it, but oh well. Imagery is awesome, and I love Axel's story! It's brilliant. (; Please please pleaseee update soon!
MayaDarkling chapter 14 . 1/22/2011
More please.

Chapter 14 is incredibly sad, but I'm addicted. Please, keep writing this. I eagerly await the next chapter.
ObsessivePecan chapter 13 . 1/17/2011
Really love this story! i love how this seems so real compared to a lot of stories like this, in the sense of it actually happens and can be related to. continue? DO WANT :D
once-upon-a-dream012 chapter 13 . 1/16/2011
Damn COCKBLOCKED! I can't wait for next chapter
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