Reviews for Gentlemen
MooNBlaDeR chapter 3 . 9/20/2011
Okay... confession. I've been following your stories for years and each chapter you write has always left me on the edge of my seat wanting more. I've never really had the guts to comment as I know it's just going to end up in this long ass essay of fangirling.

So, I can only hope you will continue to update your stories and they are all so unique and special. THank you SummerMess for being awesome and being continuously true to your style and stories~

Hope to see more of your chapters soon~ sincerely, moonblader :)
EpicFail94 chapter 3 . 8/24/2011
pfhhoooo, *fans self* bit hot in here is it? didnt comment on other chaps cos i was too impatient to see what was gonna happen, but im REALLY liking this so far!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 3 . 8/24/2011
Oh goodness!This fic is just mind-blowing!It's not just the details,the emotions,the setting,all of it is so sophisticated and so well done,i just love everything about it!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
WOOOW!I have to just say that your style was totally amazing,it was so detailed,so refined,just loved every bit of it!
Miss Heather chapter 3 . 8/21/2011
It seems that Mr Dictionary has abandoned me and I shall be leaving now to go and sit in a corner for a little while until the rather consuming anticipation that I have just experienced leaves me and I can breathe freely again. Pretty euphoric that this chapter was given to us so quickly as a result of my endless gushing. Pretty happy about it.

"Remus," he breathed urgently into the man's ear. "Leave here with me.”

Dying. Breathing not coming easily.
Miss Heather chapter 2 . 8/21/2011
Why don’t I check my emails more? If I had, I could have been blessed with these chapters of amazingness (only on chapter 2 but I have no doubt in my mind that chapter 3 will be of ludicrous wonder) on Wednesday! So here comes the predicted gushing. Neverending love for your stories. Love is neverending over here! You have become my only port of call when it comes to Remus and Sirius now. I saw that you’d posted new chapters (it was in my spam folder, can you believe it? I found it obscene and utterly disrespectful. I was most displeased) I more or less had a tiny little mini fan girl breakdown. It was pretty intense. I am so ridiculously enamoured with this story! You have this distinctive writing style when it comes to these two and it’s so enthralling to read. I literally go down the page and have to take little pauses here and there for you seem to create this tangible anticipation in your writing that means I have to keep stopping and taking breathe and then return to the story with the most uncharacteristic attitude that leaves me with my hands making incredibly odd sporadic gestures at the most absurd moments of reading , then I have also noted that I comment as I go along. What do I comment? I have no idea. I see a striking similarity to myself and those people you see in movie theatres when you’re watching a film of suspense and suddenly the tension will become too much and someone will say something like “DON’T GO IN THERE!”, or just make an incoherent sound that has no accordance to what you’re actually watching. Combine the incoherent sounds and sporadic hand gestures and I must look like someone having a fit when I’m reading your stories. I’m going on to chapter 3! I’m very excited but I’m trying very hard to contain myself.
queen scheherazade chapter 3 . 8/18/2011
Holy cannoli, Batman! I really need to start playing pool with attractive men more often.

I love this. I do hope you continue to update. Cheers! :)
Lizzy0308 chapter 3 . 8/17/2011
I'm so excited you posted more for this. It's a great story
Adora Sacra chapter 3 . 8/17/2011
I really love all of your stories, the quality in the writing is superb by comparison to many other, or any really.

I highly look forward to and hope you continue this story.

I suspect that the masters lover story line is over, but i very much enjoyed that too. very original and imaginative story telling all round.

The atmosphere in your tales is tangible and very engaging.

Love them all.

Keep up the good work,

This current AU is great
yeboii chapter 3 . 8/16/2011
Such a good concept! I love this story!
unique.normality chapter 1 . 5/5/2011
I liked this a lot, definitely want more
Coja chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
I really loved this, it was great :)

Will you send the second part? I would like to read it, but this chapter is nearly two months old and its not good, mostly it means, that there wont be another chapter.

I would like it though.
Adora Sacra chapter 1 . 2/6/2011
more please. it's very good thus far
sierra's scarlet chapter 1 . 2/4/2011
I was out of town when you reposted this, but I'm trying to catch up now. I remember reading this before. I love the setting and hope to see when Sirius realizes why he is protective of one Remus Lupin. Can't wait for more
roses in bloom chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
Brilliant! Loving the characterization and plot thus far- excited to see this one continued!
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