Reviews for Dance
Guest chapter 3 . 7/25/2013
I'm not sure if this is complete, but it's going to my favorites list!
WarriorofAnime chapter 2 . 7/25/2013
This chapter... No words to describe the way you make me, as your reader, feel. I can tell how much you loved writing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25/2013
PennyOfTheWild chapter 3 . 4/9/2013
And here I was expecting to be coherent.

I hate you.

I've had this window open for several hours now - I keep switching back and reading it again in the hope that *this time* I'll be able to say something deep and meaningful that properly expresses how incredible this is - but alas, it seems that will not be. Dx

First things, though: I have MISSED your writing. It's always such a joy to read - and while this is quite a departure from your usual style, it is still absolutely brilliant.

It reads like a stream of consciousness - like a series of fleeting images that are, in spite of their brevity, extremely vivid - brightly flashing and then disappearing almost immediately. I love how you've set it out in such short paragraphs: it keeps things moving quickly, further reinforcing the 'stream of consciousness' feel and creating an extraordinary atmosphere (your writing is always so atmospheric - I'm always reluctant for things to end).

Also: this is an interesting take on Rukia's character - you've drawn out that part of her she keeps (skilfully) hidden - her insecurities, her ambitions, her fears, her self-doubts - which, I think, is very fitting, considering this piece is 'Dreams' and that is what dreams are all about.

I love how disjointed and yet connected this is - the sequence of thoughts is lovely - the whole thing is lovely!

I'll stop rambling now. I'm sorry this is a horrible review *sighs*

Thank you for sharing!
KuroiTori-sama chapter 2 . 10/16/2011
When was this updated? (bangs head on keyboard)

Amazing, just amazing, this story is. "He thought her wonder." Beautiful, utterly, undoubtedly incredible, exactly what I've come to expect of an author of your caliber.

PennyOfTheWild chapter 2 . 7/1/2011
*crawls out from under rock* Hello! It's been a long time. ...I'm sorry about that. Truly. I hope I can make it up to you with this review, though.

Before I talk about the actual content, a little note on formatting: I think your computer messed the beginning up a teensy weensy bit - you might want to go back and fix that - first impressions and all. It's minor, but it made me double-take.

Moving on. Switched gears, huh? It shows. In a good way! - experimentation is always a good thing, and here, well. I've often likened your writing to poetry ... here, it's not just LIKE poetry, it IS poetry.

I'm curious, though - was the switch in narrative POV a conscious choice? Because you started off with second-person narration (and incredibly powerful second-person narration it was), with italics in Rukia's POV, but later, you switched to third person from the eighth paragraph onward. It's not a bad thing, but I do recommend using a page break, maybe, between the seventh and eighth paragraphs, to make the distinction.

'Slow water runs deep, they say. But they only say it – they are not slow enough to notice the depth of the pain in her.'

That was a gorgeous line.

And I loved this one, too: 'And slowly, gently – because she was ice – he taught her the way of swords.'

That 'because she was ice' was inserted in just the right place - and the connotations it carries? Wonderful. You show, here, the difference between 'showing' and 'telling'.

You said this was Kaien/Rukia. And while I agree it leans very heavily in that direction, you do show that you're a very firm Ichigo/Rukia shipper at heart. You are, aren't you? XD - through this line: 'Not the love of a man and a wife, perhaps, but that had never been the love she had wanted.'

You drew a distinction between romantic love and platonic, familial love, and you stated that Rukia did not want Kaien to love her romantically, and perhaps, she never loved him that way, either. Instead, he was the older brother-figure that Byakuya, despite his best intentions, could not be.

Now, remember what I said about poetry? There are tons of examples in this piece, but I will quote this one:

'From the darkness that was her mind, he had found light. Where the mask had once been beat a steady heart.'

There. See? You angel!

Thank you for sharing this. Really, thank you.

bells-mannequin chapter 2 . 6/29/2011
I really like the two oneshots about Rukia :D

Looking forward to moaaar!

burlington chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
The consistent use of the "heart" metaphor is used many ways in this passage. sometimes it is not clear that it is a metaphor for love, bravery, loyalty, or something else like fortitude and strength. Suggest look over your use of the term to assess whether it is being used to mean too many different things.
PennyOfTheWild chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
In a way, I'm glad I waited this long to read this. Because now that I've seen Rukia's fight with Aaroniero, I can fully appreciate how incredible this piece is.

'It should light the darkness. It should make her world warm once again, filling it with the gently warmth of Kaien Shiba, the warmth that inspired and strengthened and touched and cared all at once.

Instead, it breaks her.'

I know Rukia is your favorite character, but even so, it's incredible how you manage to characterize her so well.

This story flows beautifully; your style is lyrical, poetic, and your pacing, as usual, is flawless.

'She faces the laughing, sneering body, the body that is his, but the heart that will never belong to it. It knows no heart, never knew one – its body with the hole in its chest, the hole where it might have once been, before its hunger consumed it.

Where do our hearts go, Rukia? When we die, our bodies turn to dust, our energy joins the reiatsu that makes the Soul Society – but where do our hearts go?'

Gorgeous. The entire structure of this piece is simply magnificent. The way you've woven the two threads together - Kaien then and now, memory and present-day - is perfect; you've got just the right tone down, and the piece glows with vivid colors and intensity.

'This was Kaien. This man, this heart, this soul – this was Kaien, this is Kaien, this will always be Kaien.

You may have his body… You may have his memories… But Kaien isn't there.

He left his heart to me.'

And, as usual, you end on a final haunting, resonating note (I'm awfully repetitive. Sorry.).

It's a truly wonderful tribute. I'm honored to have had the opportunity to read it.

Once again, thank you.

Annoying little sister chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
...well. It's good, although you're right about it being slightly depressing. Lots of ideals. It seems like Rukia could actually be thinking that. So, write more! That I'm actually allowed to read!
wayward-river chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
There's so many good lines in this, so much emotion, very true to Rukia's character and you've captured the feelings of this scene very well. Thanks for the read :)
KuroiTori-sama chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
Ho! Awesome! It sounds more like a ballad, poetic and sorrowful, yet full with hope nonetheless... Sounds like a good Christmas message after all.

This Project Pull seem to be pretty cool. Too bad I could never write like that on a weekly basis (anything I think of immediately evolves into an multichapter epic that may even require a sequel to complete), but I still think it's amazing.
