Reviews for The Utonium Trials
icecatfire chapter 33 . 9/9/2018
... Sad ending, but it's a good story. :) Thank you for writing.
icecatfire chapter 14 . 9/7/2018
;-; *Hugs Mojo*
icecatfire chapter 2 . 9/2/2018
*Answering Buttercup* Because they're being stupid f****, dear. :)
Guest chapter 20 . 8/9/2018
'' "I mean, have you written any stories with non-humans in the relationship?"

Buttercup shook her head, "No, not really. I like writing realistic fiction. One story had a vampire in it, but those have human rights in France, did you know? I set the story in France too."

Mr. Davids looked triumphant for a moment, before faltering. He glanced at the judges. Buttercup had forgotten, but one of the judges was French. The prosecution must have forgotten as well. Would it be a faux pas to insult French law?

Nicley did chapter but If this were real do not think to treat we vampires as human in the eyes of the law is sad or acknowledging it an insult some countries IRL already have legally defined '' Non-Human personhood for chimps and dolphins. If anything it ought to help her case by reminding the judge that being a human in a universe with non-human intelligence is not essential to being a good person.
dwefrdb chapter 18 . 8/9/2018
"We are not dumb. You are the monkey's paw. Any wish we have twice as bad consequences." Is the second sentence meant to be intentionally broken English?
totiredtologgin chapter 14 . 8/9/2018
Danm, that was really sad! Great job though!
nealdavid75 chapter 33 . 9/28/2017
This was an amazing story I read the whole thing in one siting. You blended the criminal and action aspects of this story together seamlessly. The lead up of over all was good but I feel the ending was a little forced and having it happen to BC or BL some other way would have been better in my opinion but it is just that my opinion. Overall it was great hope it see more great work like this in the future
Divine Saiyan Psyagon chapter 33 . 6/11/2015
Wow, just wow, a tragic ending but it was a masterful story and definitely well written, Kudos to your craftsmanship. However I wish to make a big note out of some important things that though I am sure you intended to do, were incorrect and went against canon. You definitely underpowered The Powerpuff Girls. You made them far weaker than they truly are, now this could be justified by them being the Powerpuff Girls of a parallel universe which your story would be set in, but you didn't have to sacrifice their abilities to make them realistic. The canon Powerpuff Girls have successfully survived and/or achieved amazing feats with minimal damage or strain, like swimming in magma during the movie, Buttercup on her own lifting a huge chunk of Mt Everest, or the three sisters dispersing a Solar Flare which at a minimum would have hundreds of petatons of equivalent in nuclear blast yield, and all they got was a Sunburn, no cancer even, and their skin healed up after using aloe vera. So its an amazing story I must admit, but I was slightly bummed that you undersold their clearly demonstrated abilities in canon, they're quite comparable to many versions of Superman infact, they are so mighty, and unlike Superman they can increase their abilities exponentially by joining their energy fields through close physical proximity to each other or direct contact, ala when they blew up the Citysville Bridge with a super beam or smacked down Dynamo when the Mayor accidentally got inside it. But enough of that point, other than the deliberate nerfing of their abilities, this tale was amazing and deserves all due praise for your masterful execution, the one actual criticism I give is you made numerous spelling and grammar errors, but considering the overall quality of this story, it is forgiveable. Congratulations Ergoemos.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/13/2014
Why just keep Bubbles alive?
Zyar chapter 33 . 2/23/2014
It took me a while to find a story such as good as The Utonium Trials. Your story is not only one of the best of this fandom, but also one of the best in this whole site. It caught me as soon as I started reading; most of the stories about the Powerpuff Girls are about romance between them and the Rowdyruff Boys, I couldn't tolerate that. I was so lucky to find this story, since it was rated "M", it didn't showed when I was looking for good stories.
Besides, you centered on a topic that would never show in the series, but given the circumstances on which the girls were created and their superpowers, it's very probable this would happen in the real world even when the NeoTokyo Protocol doesn't really exist.
You were able to make the story, the girls, the Professor, Mojo, Him, everything evolve into something so much dark; the future the girls had in your story seemed very possible to them. A twisted world far too dark for them, plotting against them, considering them a threat. You mixed all those elements and wrote a poignant, dark and profound story that moved me to tears, specially the ending.
Bubbles was my hero and, personally, I think her demise was partially Blossom's fault. She had made it her goal to stay in the facility just because her talent wasn't appreciated in the outside world, pretending to be "insane" or "mentally unstable", and GREM of course bought it, doing just what she wanted. If she hadn't pulled that trick, she would have been with her family in the trial and could have helped in the fight. I think at the end, she realized her mistake.
The wonderfulness of the story justifies the many errors of redaction and grammar, which were far more than I expected. For example: you confused Mr. Davis and Mr. Loks names in a chapter. But the story is understandable and very well written, it's still one of my favorites.

My favorite part is when the trial is about to start, one day before, and Blossom dreams of her past, when the Professor tells her and her sisters they could be anything they want but they would always be their girls. Beautiful.
Wolvmbm chapter 33 . 12/29/2013
I have to say in the previous chapter, it seems that maybe Bubbles had a hint of the future showing what were to happen if she either failed or succeeded and in a way... it sort of came true in the end. Through her own heroic sacrifice, Blossom and Buttercup were able to live another day...thanks to their innocent sister.

However, the Professor has given up science in Bubbles' sacrifice and both Blossom and Buttercup had to live with the guilt over not being able to help their sister when she need them the most.

But in a way, maybe through their own past actions...Bubbles did get her sisters help in spirit. Through Blossom's mind and critical thinking and Buttercup's tough determination, Bubbles was able to beat HIM in the end.

Honestly, this has to be a truly bittersweet ending to such an emotional roller coaster ride for the PPG and I am glad to see that the other two Power Puffs were able to fight crime still with the aid of G.E.R.M. However, like Buttercup, I too, was hoping that G.E.R.M was able to punished in the end, but either way...the bargain made to the girls were enough to at least please both parties.

And who knew that HIM had that many bounties on himself, thanks to this battle the girls and the Professor may not be poor again.

Still, I was hoping for one last minor mentioning of Townsville and how they took Bubbles' death ?

However, what turned out, was good enough for me.

Thank you...thank you very much for such an great emotional bending story from start to finish.

Thank you for the dedication and here's hoping I will see more of your work in the future.
Wolvmbm chapter 32 . 12/29/2013
Such determination and such power...truly such a chapter to end an epic like this.

There was no question about it, Bubbles went out like a true heroine. And what made it even more important was the fact that she took down him without the aid of her own sisters. Which made this battle both shocking and amazing at the limits that Bubbles pushed herself to save the day.

As for Blossom's and Buttercup's part in this chapter, they were just too late. One has to wonder what would have happened if Buttercup arrived just a little bit earlier, but in end...this was Bubbles' personal battle and in way, she passed it in true flying colors.

Thank you for such a great ending towards this emotional tale, I cannot wait to see the epilogue of the story.
Wolvmbm chapter 31 . 12/26/2013
First off, great update as it seems that the end is near.

Secondly, great scene between Buttercup and Grimaldi as it seems that the seriousness of the situation is getting to tough Power puff.

Still, Blossom was able to talk her sister down from killing Grimaldi and reminding her of the real situation in front of her. question remains and that is what made these G.E.R.M soilders revolt against their superior ?

All this and Bubbles is the last stand against HIM, with Blossom and Buttercup no where in sight. It would take a true miracle to save the day this time around.

I also liked how you had HIM admit to his involvement in the trial as I couldn't have known that it wasn't that easy.

Please do keep up the good work upon such a great tale like this one.
Wolvmbm chapter 30 . 12/19/2013
Great job pushing the girls to their limits, but even I have to admit that Buttercup shouldn't let her emotions in check. Especially given that Bubbles is in Danger with her fighting HIM alone. :(

While Blossom may be hurt, to even brutally beaten, she's still alive for now and that should be enough to see whether or not she and Buttercup have enough strength together to fly off to save Bubbles from HIM's wrath, right ?

Still, we're headed towards the end of this tale and I cannot wait to read of what you have planned for the next installment of this emotional story.
Wolvmbm chapter 29 . 12/15/2013
Great update as it seems that the girls may need therapy when all this is over. Especially Blossom, given her twists in turns throughout this story.

I'm glad to see Grimadli working with the girls now and trusting them to stop this. Now it's only a matter of time before the sisters are reunited and can stop HIM.

Apparently, Bubbles maybe the only one who is trying to do what's right and keep her mind intact unlike her sisters. I mean given Buttercup's emotions and tough girl attitude and Blossom's cold demeanor, it almost makes Bubbles sound normal.

Still, great update to the storyline as it seems that HIM is still growing, but for what purpose besides the destruction of Cityville and the deaths of many ?

Please do keep up the good work upon such a great story like this one.
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