Reviews for Aphrodite's Temptation
Phenix55 chapter 59 . 2h
Hello I love this story. If you continue it I will read it for sure. Thanks for Arabella et Alexander
Katy chapter 59 . 7/9
Holy moly I can't believe I found this update (a couple months late but oh well). I had completely forgotten about this story and will probably now be rereading the whole thing? I remember loving it, so if you're writing a sequel I will definitely read it!
Guest chapter 59 . 6/27
I never really review stories but saw your update and PLEASE! I have reread this story so many time. Would love you to update. Stay safe xx
Guest chapter 59 . 5/29
I just binged this whole story in a day and loved it so much. Please, please write a sequel.
Phenix55 chapter 59 . 5/11
hello ! your story is amazing. i fell into it so easily and your charaters are great. i really hope you write a sequel about them (I long timo know morè about the curse)!
Thanks u chapter 59 . 4/24
I would love if you did a sequel as this book was amazing, I’ve read it from page to page word to word, and I was so sad when the book came to an end so please I’m begging you make a sequel
eclispex.x chapter 59 . 4/19
would love it if you carried on with this story.i cant believe its been that long since this story was finished x
SilverSlytherinQueen chapter 59 . 4/12
OMG, i need a sequel. this story is sooooo addictive and i stayed up until 3 because i needed to keep reading. I love the characters and how the plot played out. I was so disappointed because I read wrong and thought there were 69 chapters, lol. I would be so excited if u wrote a sequel.
Much Love,
Guest chapter 59 . 4/8
Yes! I read this fanfic when I was around 17 ( I’m 23 now) and this story has always been in the back of my head. I’d be so down to read if you ever decided to write more! I’d love to hear about Arabella’s brothers and what they’ve been up to too! Much love xoxo
StepInTime5678 chapter 59 . 4/8
Would love to see a sequel! Stay healthy!
Archiepoke123 chapter 59 . 4/7
I remember reading this story for the first time when I was in Florida in vacation with my grandma. I fell in love with it. At that point the only exposure to Twilight that I had was watching Eclipse when I was like 8. I fell in love with Alex and Arabella and I was waiting for the day when you would reveal how to break the curse. I would love to get back into this
kaitlin2515 chapter 19 . 11/2/2016
What an idiot.
KATY123 chapter 3 . 7/22/2016
does everybody think ranch cows and horses when they say Texas?
jenniferlane199121 chapter 58 . 3/17/2016
What is the sequel name and when are you going to put the next one on
Guest chapter 43 . 6/29/2015
Why aren't there more Alexander's in the world
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