Reviews for Ten Songs
WaitingForThisMomentToBeFree chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
This was absolutely adorable and so creative! It’s like getting the very best parts of longer stories condensed into a few paragraphs! And a Theatre Lover! *Le Sigh... Is there anything better in life than live musical theatre? (I mean, that is OTHER than Klaine Lovin' ?)

#1 Awwwww! Love the last sentence! And what a great way to start this FIC... Heh!

#2 Aaaaah, the Ultimate Dream! Either one of them can make a man out of me! Which would be a pretty amazing accomplishment considering that I am of the female persuasion and woefully absent a penis! LOL!

#3 Okay, whenever someone writes a Fic like this involving our boys, I am immediately a pathetic, teary-eyed mess. Because I’m just an emotional girl you ask? No. Because I am a gay woman who has been w/ my partner for 16 years and we are lucky enough to live in Canada where same-sex marriage was legalized in 2005! We may be shamefully apathetic when it comes to our Military personnel, but our human rights are among the best in the world! BTW, Finally decided to take the plunge and we will be LEGALLY married on our 17 anniversary in 2012!

#4 Could Blaine be any more perfect? And we all know by now how all that worked out! ;-)

#5 This was hysterical! You’re right... This is the ONLY thing I could ever imagine Klaine arguing over! Lol!

#6 Ooooohh! Why so sad? Are YOU the reason it took Blaine so long to act on his feelings? Grrrr! :-#

#7 Okay, you’re forgiven! ;-)

#8 Drunken make-outs don’t usually end so well... luckily, for our boys it did! (Was there really ever a question? ;-))

#9 “He wasn't going to wear a dress, heels, or mascara for him...Not until he went shopping, anyway.” YEAH BABY! Hmmm, eternally grateful if you made THIS into a story of its own! (and if you have already, sorry, I just found you and this is the first of your fic’s that I’ve read)

#10 "You. Me. Bathroom. Now." Blaine said, and dragged him to the bathroom to relieve the obvious bulge in his pants.

Umm, yeah, come to think of it, think I should probably come with you to use the restroom as well...What? Oh no worries... just go about your business, I don’t mind... Hee-Hee! ;-)
my untold fairy-tale chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
I've got this thing for the ransom song fics, so I was a little biased coming in. I wasn't disappointed. I loved this, so much. It touched on all kinds of aspects of the Klaine relationship. I think you did rather well with the smut, personally. I thought the second one was adorable and sexy, one of my faves of the 10. I'm not huge on future fics but I have nothing against them. I really, really loved the marriage proposal. The fourth was just cute. I love that Kurt kept going with this speech without realizing that Blaine was already agreeing with it. Number 6 broke my heart, if only Blaine would have stuck around for the next part of what Kurt said, things would have gone so differently. Yay for the first kiss in 7. I've got to say, I think that 8 was my favorite. I really love comfortBlaine. That whole section was just so sweet. As far as seeing Kurt in heels for 9, two words Blaine "Bad Romance" crazy gaga heels. and I'll second your "Umm, yay for muscial inspired bathroom sex" but I'll leave out the question mark ;)

seriously loved this fic.
intensewhatever chapter 1 . 9/7/2011
So cute!
Larkin21 chapter 1 . 2/1/2011
I'm usually not much of a ficlet/drabble person but these were all really good. I loved them all :)
Vandalla chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
Ok, last sentence of 5 & all of 6 were fabulous. One thing I find highly amusing is that 1 sounds just like my first attempt at smut. And my best friend's. And my other friend's. I think they all end up sounding the same...

But it was good! Just practice, get creative, write while half asleep & on sugar so your brain is outa wack & you'll be rivaling the best smut writer you can think of. :)

Whole thing was really sweet. :)
MissFeltbeats chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Liked it a lot!

It's, like you said, very cute. And I liked the fact that you didn't follow a temporal line. That was very nice xD
Shire Fey chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
Great story but tell me that at least in your head that number 6 has a happy ending.
LGP-13 chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
That was so HOT! And funny and cute 3 thx for this!
YaoiLovingPrincess chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
Yah this was completely awesome. I really liked the one when Kurt wokeup after a night of hot bunny sex with Blaine. I can so picture Blaine in nothing but a bathrobe. Great job.