Reviews for Atmosphere
ribstonesV9 chapter 11 . 2/26/2012
Aaawww! I just finished reading the whole story :( . And when I saw you weren't conituing this OMG I think I cried. ):

It's okay we understand it takes time for this type of thing good luck with your education and good luck with REinsperation -best wishes!-
Shyool Should Be A Word chapter 11 . 9/21/2011
Oh no! I agree, senior school homework's evil, as in capital E. just when you think you can relish your weekend... Surprise! You're left holding an assignment sheet in your hand, and going by the look on your face they'd think they've just handed you a bowl of squeaking blue jelly or something. Don't worry yourself though, as great as your story is, homework has a due date o_O

Good luck, hope you become re...inspired!
Max Evelyn chapter 10 . 8/20/2011
OMG! agrh you are pure evil!

please continue this as soon as you can :D
Justice237 chapter 9 . 5/7/2011
Ohh, poor Megamind. But please don't kill him. just update when u r done with . . . what u said in chapter 10
MangaStarAngel chapter 9 . 3/21/2011
*sniffle* Megamind is *sniffle* dying?

Please *sniffle* update as soon as *sniffle* you can.

(Runs off, bawling)
just another fma fan chapter 10 . 3/20/2011
this is very soap-opera-ish. But I love what you have so far. Its ironic that the same things bringing down Megamind in your plot (a new, alarger workload with a new job) are now bringing down the author as well. I wish you all the best of luck in school and hope to see this updated again soon!
Lampyridae92 chapter 10 . 2/15/2011
Ok, gotta alert-fave this!
Lampyridae92 chapter 9 . 2/15/2011

OK- gotta read the rest!
Murdoc's Mismatched Eyes chapter 10 . 2/14/2011
I understand. Good luck with your education! _
God's love like a hurricane chapter 10 . 2/14/2011
That's okay, I understand. I keep getting inspired to do various different fanfics and it's unlikely I'll ever finish one unless I force myself to not think about any other fandom X)

Now I think I'll start only writing the entire fanfic then submitting it, cause I don't like disappointing people with unfinished fics. :P
God's love like a hurricane chapter 9 . 1/21/2011
Aww, I finished reading it... :( Cant wait for the update! (i spy a rhyme :P)
angel raziella chapter 9 . 1/20/2011
Yay! Update again soon please! that was a really good chapter!

PS. Deary, we always hurt/kill the characters we love XD
Steeleafan chapter 9 . 1/17/2011
oh NO!
Murdoc's Mismatched Eyes chapter 9 . 1/17/2011
I've spend the past hours reading this, and it was a time well spent. Well, that what I think at least! My mother, on the other hand, has been annoying me for two hours now, telling me to go to bed. And I've replied multiple times with a very pissed off sounding "Sod off would ya! -_-'"

But anyway... I REALLY like this story. I'm an evil sadistic person who likes to read stories that involve character death and severe illness! Mwuhahahahaaa!

Ow and I have the strange feeling that if we would ever meet in RL, we'd be able to get along just fine! You even seem more evil than me! 3
VixenOfTheWolves chapter 9 . 1/17/2011
Noooo! You can't kill him!

Well actually you can...But that's hardly the point.

Great chapter and I look forward to more.
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